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  • #22009

    This is my site which I am working on –

    Question 1 – I have Instagram and Pinterest links which I want to open to a new tab. How can I add “add a target=”_blank” attribute” to those links to work?

    Question 2 – I have a gallery which has 3 images in each row. How can I add more columns to make it to 4 or 5 images in the same row?

    Arnel C


    Thanks for your question about the social media icons opening in a new tab and changing the number of images in a row. The social media icons are a function of the menu and currently, there is no way to make the link jump to a new tab using the existing functionality.  You would have to make a coding change.  I would recommend not using the Social Media feature and using a plugin for your social media links.  That would be the quickest way to resolve that issue.

    The number of images in a row can be controlled through the Add Gallery option in BoldGrid.  This explanation will involve the use of Gutenberg – the new editor provided by WordPress:


    1. Go to Pages and Add a BLANK New page
    2. If you Gutenberg loaded (which WordPress will soon make the default), then it will automatically create the page using the Gutenberg editor.
    3. In the top right corner of the Gutenberg editor, click on SAVE DRAFT.
    4. Under the Pages Menu, click on ALL Pages, then select the draft you just saved.  Make sure to open it using the Classic editor.
    5. Once the page is opened in the Classic editor you will be able to use the BoldGrid options.
    6. When you have the blank page opened you will have the option to add media.  Click on the button labeled Add Media.
    7. In the top left corner, of the Media window will be the option to add a gallery.  Select the images you want to add to the gallery.  Hold down the shift key to add multiple images.
    8. Click on Create Gallery. 
    9. You will then see the option to EDIT Galley.  A column on the right will open up and you will see an option for Columns.  This option gives you the ability to edit the number of columns.


    I hope that helps!  If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.


    Kindest regards,

    Arnel C.





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