Our website, http://www.monroeartscouncil.org, uses the “Hydra” theme. Looks great on a large screen, but please take a look at it with a phone or tablet. When you open the “hamburger” menu, the elements are all over the place. Sort of centered, but then the ones with submenus are off-center, making the whole thing look like an error. Also, when you open a submenu, the font size is different from the top menus. It’s just a mess. (I had this problem with the “Uptempo” theme too.)
This menu would look WAY better just left-aligned, and maybe with some bottom borders to separate the selections. And then indent the submenu items for readability.
I tried to adjust the display with some custom CSS but I’m over my head with this one. Can you coding wizards take a look please? Thanks so much.