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  • #115525
    Alex Z.

    Hi We have an issue with total upkeep timing out when zipping….
    Tried following this

    How do I backup my WordPress website?

    I have tried to change *ANY* setting eg: zip method, compression to speed up the zip process, but I get this error whenever we try to save *ANY* setting

    Also there is a strange empty pulldown in the chron features

    The preflight check is fine

    I tried uninstalling total upkeep then reinstalling.
    Same issue

    I could really use some advice! Thanks!

    Brandon C

    Hi Richard,

    Thanks for reaching out, Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with Total Upkeep backups but let’s see if we can help!

    The first thing we want to do is see if we can pinpoint the source of the issue. Have backups ever completed successfully on your website, or is this your first attempt at creating one? If you were able to create successful backups at any point do you remember making any changes to your website that could have effected the backup process? It could be something like adding or updating a theme or plugin, updating WordPress core, PHP version, etc.

    It seems you have a corrupt Cron attempting to run on your system as well. Normally the uninstall process removes crons automatically, but if something like, maybe the plugin directory is deleted by mistake you can:

    Either use your web host’s cron job manager to remove the cron (like cPanel or a similar tool)
    or on command line with the crontab -e command. 

    It would be a great help if you could provide your latest backup log so that we can inspect it for errors. Navigate to Total Upkeep > Tools > Logs and look for your most recent log. It will have a name like archive-XXXXXXXX.log. You can copy your log into a platform like and paste it here, we’ll be able to get some more information about what went wrong.

    Thanks Alex, we look forward to assisting you further with your issue!

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