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  • #147053
    Joshua Roy

    We host a multisite WordPress instance across multiple web servers. I am hoping to use the Nginx + Memcached page caching method but there is no documentation on how to implement it. I only see this page that describes the differences in the methods: https://www.boldgrid.com/support/w3-total-cache/configuring-page-caching-in-w3-total-cache-for-multiple-servers/

    Can you please provide guidance on how to implement the Nginx + Memcached page caching method?



    Hello Joshua,

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!
    The Nginx+Memcached caching method in the W3 Total Cache for the Page Cache is selectable in the options if you are on the Nginx server and you have PHP Memcached installed and enabled in your environment.
    I can see that the Nginx is used, so please check and confirm that the PHP Memcached is installed and enabled on your server.

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