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  • #150889


    Even since upgrading to the latest version of Bold Grid Post and Page Builder Premium 1.2.5, the application perpetually loads if I try to update my webpage. I have another website on the same VPS that has not been updated, and it works fine. I need to troubleshoot why Post and Page Builder Premium version 1.2.5 perpetually loads and 1.1.4 does not. I need to update my pages and am currently at a standstill. Any and all recommendations for resolution are appreciated.


    Brandon C

    Hi Jon,

    Thanks for reaching out.  Since you’ve recently updated BoldGrid Post and Page Builder you may need to clear your browser cache and cookies. Sometimes outdated cache files can interfere with updated plugins.

    You can open your browser’s developer console (F12 in most browsers) and check for JavaScript errors on the page when attempting to edit a webpage. And also, enable WP_DEBUG to see what errors messages it might display.  Paste your error messages into the thread here and we’ll review and let you know if we can pinpoint the source of your load issue.

    Thanks Jon, looking forward to working through this with you!

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