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  • #153055
    Victor Rangel


    We have our website running on the domain https://massa.com.br/, but the WordPress admin is on a subdomain https://admin.massa.com.br/.

    We have 2 problems.

    1 – When clearing the cache via Redis, it uses http_host admin.massa.com.br and ends up not clearing the page, object, sql, etc.

    2 – The license does not work on admin.massa.com.br.

    How can I resolve these 2 issues?


    Hello Victor,

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!

    1. Can you please clarify how you are clearing cache via Redis and which features in the W3 Total Cache are using the Redis Cache engine for caching? Also, on which domain is the W3TC installed?

    2. I’ve reset the active URL. Remove the license key from Performance>General settings, Licensing sub-box, license field, and save all settings. Re-enter the license, verify the license with the “verify license button” and save all settings.

    W3 Total Cache Pro should be active after these steps!

    I hope this helps!


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