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  • #40526


    When I have w3 total cache enabled, i’m finding that when I remove items from the cart, it is redirecting to the homepage and adding /?removed_item=1 to the URL. When w3 total cache enabled I see that it correctly goes to /cart/?removed_item=1

    When inspecting in console/network, with w3 total cache enabled, the first
    /?removed_item=randomly_generated_number shows the correct path of /cart/ however the ?removed_item=1 shows path of /.

    I’ve added the cart page to the “do not cache” as well as not to minify however this makes no difference. Under general settings when I untick ‘Browser Cache’ it works so I’m not sure if something in there needs to be tweaked.

    Marko Vasiljevic

    Hello Pablo,

    Thank you for reaching out and thank you for using W3 Total Cache!
    I’ve replied to the topic you created in so please continue the correspondence there so we can avoid duplicating the answers.

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