Tagged: Backup Failure
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- September 7, 2021 at 5:58 pm #42481mayaGuest
Total upkeep isn’t updating .. Here is my Last logfile
[2021-09-04 17:19:16 UTC] Last error: Array ( [type] => 2 [message] => opendir(/home/disha779/public_html/wp-content/cache/db/comments/): Failed to open directory: No such file or directory [file] => /home/disha779/public_html/wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/Util_File.php [line] => 124 ) [2021-09-04 17:19:16 UTC] PHP Version: 8.0.3 [2021-09-04 17:19:16 UTC] WordPress Version: 5.8 [2021-09-04 17:19:16 UTC] Total Upkeep version: 1.14.13 [2021-09-04 17:19:16 UTC] getpgid support: Available [2021-09-04 17:19:16 UTC] Backup process initialized. [2021-09-04 17:19:16 UTC] Process id: 2909140 [2021-09-04 17:19:19 UTC] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2021-09-04 17:19:19 UTC] Starting dump of database... [2021-09-04 17:19:19 UTC] Memory usage - limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 24410408 (23.28 MB) / 26338936 (25 MB) [2021-09-04 17:19:19 UTC] Database info: Array ( [...Truncated for length...] ) [2021-09-04 17:19:22 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2909140) [2021-09-04 17:19:32 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2909140) [2021-09-04 17:19:35 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2909140) [2021-09-04 17:19:51 UTC] Dump of database complete! $status = 1 [2021-09-04 17:19:51 UTC] Memory usage - limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 24418184 (23.29 MB) / 26881248 (26 MB) [2021-09-04 17:19:51 UTC] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2021-09-04 17:20:42 UTC] Database dump file added to file list: /home/disha779/boldgrid_backup/disha779_wp1.20210904-171920.sql / 19481703 (18.58 MB) [2021-09-04 17:20:42 UTC] Starting archiving of files. Chosen compressor: pcl_zip [2021-09-04 17:20:43 UTC] Memory usage - limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 49170928 (46.89 MB) / 74396472 (71 MB) [2021-09-04 17:22:33 UTC] Backup process running: Yes (pgid = 2909140) [2021-09-04 17:24:18 UTC] Backup process running: No [2021-09-04 17:26:21 UTC] Backup process running: No
September 7, 2021 at 7:23 pm #42567Jesse OwensKeymasterHello Maya-
Thanks for reaching out. I can see a couple of items in this log that might help us troubleshoot why Total Upkeep isn’t completing your backups.
You can see the main cause of the problem from the last three lines. At some point between 17:22:33 and 17:24:18, the backup process was terminated without throwing any errors. The most common cause for this is that your server terminated the process while it was running.
You can find a complete guide to troubleshooting this problem in this article.
Here are two specific recommendations I have based on your log.
First, try switching the backup compressor from PclZip to System Zip. Using the system ZIP command, rather than a PHP process, can often succeed when PHP fails.
Second, I recommend excluding your cache directory from your backups. This probably isn’t related to this specific failure, but it can often help by reducing the backup size and reduce other errors. Add this to your Exclude list:
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