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  • #88820
    Robin McDermott


    I am upgrading our website and would like to do so with W3Cache up and running on it. Do you have the ability to add my existing license to my staging site. I do have the free version installed on the staging site, but would like to have the same premium functions set up on the staging as will be on the live site.



    Hello Robin,

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to assist you with this.
    You can activate a W3 Total Cache Pro on a dev website. Just add define('W3TC_PRO_DEV_MODE', true); to your wp-config.php file on your non-production environments, and re-save the license there.

    I hope this helps!


    Robin McDermott

    Darn, I am getting a message: The W3 Total Cache license key can’t be verified. I have removed and added in the license key several times.



    You do not have to verify the license. Just re-save the settings in the total cache while the license is added and after adding the provided constant to wp-config.php


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