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  • #149574

    Our subscription are is still NIL after several days from payament via PAYPAL, AND NO-WAY TO ADDRESS THE ISSUE WITH SOMEBODY!


    Hello Paolo,

    Since this is a public forum, can you please submit a ticket via the W3 Total Cache support channel in Performance>Support>Billing and provide the information about your purchase so I can check this for you?
    It’s not advisable to share sensitive information in public forums.
    In the ticket, please specify exactly what you mean by: “Our subscription are is still NIL after several days from payment”?
    Please provide the transaction ID or any information about the subscription that we can check


    I tried to open a ticket, but I have to pay to open a ticket since you did not register ou subscription.
    We paid via Paypal las November 16th and up to now there’s nothing in our account nor our WP was set on PRO.
    NIL means nothing, zero, nada, rien, nulla, nichts, 아무것도 아님, 何もない.



    Hello Paolo,

    We have received your email and provided the requested information
    Thank you for your patience

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