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  • #37633

    Hi, before I download W3 total cache free version, I would like to know if it works with
    1 – woocommerce
    I read on the net that it is necessary to add “Never cache the following pages:”

    It’s true?
    2 – Is it compatible with wpml or is it only the Pro version?


    Hello Raf,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    Yes, as suggested those pages should be excused from the cache. Woocommernce added a DONOTCACHEPAGE constant to some templates so it’s not necessary, however, it’s best to exclude those pages from the cache. You can check out this article for more details.
    As for the WPML, W3 Total Cache is compatible with the WPML, however, in some cases the Pro extension is needed to improve the caching performance of websites localized by WPML.
    Localization is a type of personalization that makes websites more difficult to scale. This extension reduces the response time of websites localized by WPML.


    Thank you. It works. I only use the page cache, I don’t use minification or DB cache (mfunc and _wc_session_ are they present by default?).
    Wocommerce seems to work even without adding “Never cache the following pages:”
    However, for safety, I put them on anyway. Are these the slugs of my woocommerce pages? Why is “*” used for shop? Do I have to add products* to the list as well?
    Some problems only for Yith wishlist, with the numbers on the heart, which disappear on the home page.


    Hello Raf,
    Thank you for your reply.
    Please check out our FAQ for more details about the regex when excluding the pages.
    As for the Yith wishlist, please check out their documentation for caching issues.

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