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  • #153814 Reply
    Madia Bickett

    Hello, I cannot deactivate your plugin, it brings me to a screen that says a problem. I would like help to deactivate, its interfering with another plugin. my other plugins deactivate fine but yours does not??

    #153843 Reply


    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!
    Can you please apply this fix and change the line of the code in the plugin files:

    Once applied, please reload the W3 Total Cache Dashboard and try to disable the W3 Total Cache.


    #153981 Reply
    Madia Bickett

    can you please be more specific on how to enter this line of code? I’ve never updated code in a plug in

    #154021 Reply


    We’ll be releasing the fix soon so you can wait for that one
    The file is in wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/Root_Environment.php

    Line 224 change if ( ! emtpy( $license_key ) ) { to if ( ! empty( $license_key ) ) {

    Let me know if this helps!

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