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  • #69770


    a few days ago I made a 250$ purchase to get support on configuring W3 Total Cache and mentioned an addtional task to configure the settings for VPN cloudflare
    Unfortunately I did not hear anything from you yet. Did I maybe sent you the wrong email-addres?

    Also I am a little annoyed that I have to write in a public forum and no direct email is provided to contact you! I am a paying customer and feel more than irritated.

    I look forawrd to hear from you.

    Best regards


    Hello Harry,

    I am very sorry about the inconvenience.
    We replied to that W3 Total Cache Premium support request shortly after it was submitted. Not sure how you never got our reply.
    I’ve re-sent the email with the instructions to provide additional information and access.
    Please let me know if you received the email.

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