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  • #47496
    Elisabeth Kauffman

    I keep getting a message from WooCommerce that I’m running an old version of GridOne. My other wordpress themes automatically notify me of updates, but not GridOne. How can I get the latest version? And how can I be notified so that I update it in a timely fashion moving forward? Thx.

    Brandon C

    Hi Elisabeth,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using GridOne WordPress theme. GridOne is considered one of our legacy themes and therefore is no longer updated and maintained to the most current WordPress standards.

    The templates and functionality of GridOne have been incorporated into our flagship Crio Pro WordPress theme. With Crio you can be assured the theme is updated according to the latest WordPress guidelines and it will remove the outdated theme notification being produced by WooCommerce. If you decide to switch over to Crio you can keep your content design as it integrates seamlessly with Post and Page builder.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions.

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