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  • #24286

    I am using the Pavilion theme. I imported my blog from Blogger, and now I’m going through and trying to clean up the formatting in my old blog posts.

    Where I have links (a tags), BoldGrid is inserting p tags around them with the class “mod-reset”, causing unwanted line breaks before and after the link. When I delete these in Visual mode, they get recreated. I can delete them in Text mode, but if I then switch back to Visual mode, they come back.


    Hello Lane,

    Thank you for your question about the “mod-reset” tag. Importing a blog from blogger in my test site, I was not able to replicate this behavior.

    I noticed some <br> line breaks used instead of regular paragraph breaks, but these resolved themselves automatically.

    All of the <a> tags were completely normal. Is there any extra information you have about how you exported or imported the blogger content?

    I have never heard of the issue you’re reporting and had trouble finding any similar cases on the web.


    Christopher M.


    I don’t know what other information to provide. I can say, though, that I’ve only encountered this behavior sporadically, and I know how hard it can be to determine the cause of an issue like that. Some of my posts have many mod-reset tags inserted; others have few or none.

    I’m not sure if this is related, but the insertion of div tags seems kind of random. It seems BoldGrid inserts four div tags

    <div class=”boldgrid-section”>
    <div class=”container”>
    <div class=”row”>
    <div class=”col-md-12 col-xs-12 col-sm-12″>

    And then these will be closed and new ones inserted, but without any apparent rhyme or reason, with no consistent pattern. As I try to reformat my posts, I usually end up deleting all but the top four and the four closing tags at the end of the post. Otherwise, there is a lot of white space inserted between text and photos, and the margins aren’t consistent.

    If it would be better to open a new post for this, let me know.

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