We have a pro version of W3 total cache. Recently we enabled WPML on our site. After doing that we noticed that addition translation queries of WPML are adding load on our database. we were expecting these queries to be cached. We could not find an option to enable it either. Can you please help us? Sample query:
SELECT wpml_translations.translation_id, wpml_translations.language_code, wpml_translations.element_id, wpml_translations.source_language_code, wpml_translations.element_type, NULLIF(wpml_translations.source_language_code, ”) IS NULL AS original , tm.name, tm.term_id, COUNT(tr.object_id) AS instances
FROM abc_icl_translations wpml_translations
LEFT JOIN abc_term_taxonomy tt
ON wpml_translations.element_id=tt.term_taxonomy_id
LEFT JOIN abc_terms tm
ON tt.term_id = tm.term_id
LEFT JOIN abc_term_relationships tr
ON tr.term_taxonomy_id=tt.term_taxonomy_id
AND wpml_translations.trid=27012333666513139
GROUP BY tm.term_id