Tag: Performance

Using Inline CSS for Faster First Render

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) tell web browsers how a web page is supposed to be displayed or rendered . In the early web, this information...

Why Avoid Missing and Error Requests

Missing requests and error requests are requests that the browser makes for assets that fail completely with or without an error message. These requests usually...

Avoid Private Headers on Static Content

For more information about the importance of Cache-Control Headers, see the article on Avoiding Extra Requests with Cache-Control Headers. Static content refers to the kind...

Why Total Page Size Should Not Be Too Big

As computers, mobile devices, and Internet connections have become more powerful over time, websites have also become more dynamic and content-rich. Unfortunately, content-rich web pages...

Making Each CSS Response Small for Best...

To ensure the best performance when loading essential Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the files should be no larger than 14 kilobytes (KB). The 14 KB...

Avoid Using Incorrect MIME Types

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) types are extensions that websites use to tell web browsers what kind of content the website is sending back to...