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  • in reply to: WordPress Update Continues to Fail #105372
    Brandon C

    Hi Amy,

    I apologize, our company is BoldGrid and while we create WordPress products such as themes and plugins we do not represent the entire WordPress ecosystem as a whole. BoldGrid is a WordPress Theme builder and plugin developer meaning we create extensions that are built on top of WordPress. It is designed to make it easier for users, especially those with limited technical experience, to create and manage WordPress websites.

    If you would like to deactivate or uninstall your WordPress site you should reach out to your web hosting manager directly and they can provide you with the next steps in this process.

    I hope this helps Amy.

    Brandon C

    Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress! We can definitely assist you with this Post and Page Builder concern.

    Homepage Image

    It would be hard to tell exactly going what’s going on without inspecting your page directly but I do understand your need to display the maintenance mode page. Your issue could possibly be due to the dimensions of the image you’re displaying as your section background. You might be able to resolve an issue like this by adding padding to this row using the Mobile Device Responsive Utility control:


    ppb mobile responsiveness

    I really want to understand the exact issue Lisa because of course I’m only guessing here. If you could send us a screenshot of the problem using a platform like ImgBB it would really helpful to us in assisting you to resolve this.


    Locations Section

    It’s possible that this issue is due to an extra blank element displaying on one or more of your device screen sizes. By default, all elements are visible on all devices but you can use the responsive utilities in Post and Page Builder to hide specific elements. This allows you to easily build out your WordPress site with a mobile first design approach but they can be tricky to locate when switched on or off to suite different screen sizes.

    Again, I’m still guessing but I created a short gif to show you what I mean:


    If you notice the element is hidden on larger desktop screens but displays on medium sized “laptop” screens. Just like in the video, once you find the blank element you can either hide it by clicking the elements hamburger toggle then Advanced Controls > Responsive Utilities or delete the element altogether.

    Other helpful links

    Working with Images
    Changing Backgrounds in Post and Page Builder
    How to Use the Post and Page Builder

    We’re looking forward to assisting you further with this Lisa! If you still have questions it would be awesome if you would include a screenshot with them and we will get right on it!

    in reply to: WordPress Update Continues to Fail #104667
    Brandon C

    Hey Amy,

    I’m sorry hear to hear you’re having a hard time with your WordPress site. Let’s start by trying to help you gain access. You should check the spam folder of the email account you have attached to your WordPress admin notifications. It’s possible you are receiving the notifications but it’s being marked as spam.

    If you don’t see anything there, take a look at our guide on 5 ways to reset your WordPress password and hopefully that helps you get back into the site. At that point we can circle back around to the original issue.

    Thanks a lot Amy!

    in reply to: Total Upkeep dashboard tab and options disappeared #104531
    Brandon C

    Hi Jennifer,

    Thanks for reaching out, that’s really odd that Total Upkeep premium is seemingly activated but you’re unable to access the plugin dashboard from the WordPress Admin area.

    The first thing I would try here is, confirm that both Total Upkeep and Total Upkeep Premium are both installed and active on your WordPress website. Total Upkeep Premium needs the standard plugin to remain active as well in order to function properly.

    You can confirm this from the “Plugins” section of your WordPress dashboard. If one is installed and not the other you can download the latest versions of both plugins directly from your BoldGrid Central account “Plugins” section.

    You can also try accessing the Total Upkeep dashboard directly. To do that you can simply attach this path to the end of your site URL: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=boldgrid-backup-dashboard. If you can access this dashboard from the link and still do not see the dashboard tabs please let us know so that we can look into a possible bug.

    I hope this helps Jennifer. Please let us know if you need further assistance with this!

    Brandon C

    Thanks a lot for sending over your error message Kez,

    Based on your message it looks like this could be a legitimate bug. We just need a bit more information from you so that we can replicate it properly and work on getting out a patch for the error.

    Can you let us know your current WordPress version, PHP version and the version of Post and Page Builder/PPB Premium that you’re running?

    Lastly, if you wouldn’t mind visiting the “All Plugins” section of your WordPress dashboard, select “Active Plugins” and copy/paste your list of active plugins here in the thread.

    Thanks for working with us through this Kez. We look forward to hearing back from you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Steve,

    I’m happy to hear you were able to get this resolved. It looks like increasing your server resources did the job. I can definitely understand you being hesitant about sending over your logs but our post replies go through a moderation process where we will have removed any vulnerable information.

    Again, I’m pleased to hear you were able to work with Liquid Web to get this resolved. Don’t hesitate to reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Speed Coach report won’t run-saveReport Error #104417
    Brandon C

    Hi Cheryl,

    Thanks for reaching out although I’m sorry to hear you are having issue with Speed Coach. I tested Speed Coach and my end and received the same error so I reached out to our developers directly and had them to reset the system and it now it seems to be working properly.

    Can you try again on your end and let us know if you have any issue! We’ll be right here to help.

    Thank you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Kez,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions!

    I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues viewing previews in the “Add Block” section of your PPB editor. The previews are generated dynamically from our servers. It is possible that connectivity issues occurred on our end for a short time but I have tested Block Previews in a testing environment and all seems to be working well. You would have issues previewing them if you were having problems with your own connecting as well.

    Let’s get more details on the problem so that we can further troubleshoot:

    1.) Did you notice this issue after updating your Post and Page Builder, WordPress Core version etc…?

    2.) Have you added any new plugins to your website recently?

    3.) Are you getting an error message of any sort when attempting to access your block library?

    One thing you can do is enable WP_DEBUG-ing to see if any errors reveal themselves. If you notice any error messages be sure to copy/paste them here into the thread so that we can have a look at them.

    I hope this helps Kez! Please let us know if you have further questions for us.

    in reply to: WordPress Update Continues to Fail #104392
    Brandon C

    I definitely understand Amy,

    The latest WordPress version is WordPress 6.3 so if you’re attempting to update to 3.6.1 it would explain why you’re getting an error. Version 3.6.1 is probably 10+ years old. Can I ask when was the last time you updated your WordPress core because there’s likely some type of issue if WordPress is prompting you to update to such an older version.

    You can verify your current WordPress version from your WordPress dashboard by checking under the At a Glance widget. Within this box is your WordPress version and your active theme.

    wordpress at a glance section

    You can also scroll to the bottom of this page or any page in your admin view and you’ll see the version number in the bottom right corner.

    check wordpress version from admin page

    I do understand your frustration Amy, setting up a website is no small task. I’m not sure exactly what you’re using but I recommend trying our Crio Pro WordPress theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder. Our drag and drop system is a lot more user friendly and we offer starter templates in the form of Inspirations that should help you get your site up and running quickly.

    I hope this helps Amy, we look forward to assisting you further with this!

    in reply to: WordPress backup with Total Upkeep fails due to file size #104385
    Brandon C

    Hi Alan,

    Thanks for coming over from the BoldGrid Team Orange page with your Total Upkeep questions!

    Zip Archive failure

    The first issue that you mentioned was your ZipArchive backup compressor failing becuase the backup was too large. Normally, when this fails without error it’s due to the size of the backup exceeding a limitation of your hosting account and it may not be possible to workaround without increasing your server resources. I think that fact that “Excluding uploaded files to reduce the size allows it to work” is a big indicator that this is the issue.

    Changing the backup compressor type

    If you experience this issue again, you can first try changing the backup compressor type to SystemZip and see if that allows the backup to complete. Navigate to Total Upkeep > Settings > Backup Process. If System Zip is available, choose that option. System Zip is significantly faster than the PclZip or ZipArchive libraries, and may use fewer resources. Attempt to create another backup using the Default compression level.

    If the backup still fails, try reducing the Compression Level. As an example, a setting of 0 will not compress the backup at all, using the lowest amount of CPU and memory. This does mean that the Disk Input/Output is increased due to the larger file size, however.

    Filelist Analysis

    Similar to excluding uploaded files to reduce resources you can perform a complete filelist Analysis. If your backups are still failing after switching the Backup Compressor and Compression Level, set the Compression Level back to Default, and check the box to enable the Filelist Analysis. Attempt to create another backup.

    Navigate to Total Upkeep > Tools > Logs, and look for the most recent log that ends in filelist.log. Examine the filelist and look for any very large files or directories. You can then delete those files if you don’t need them, or exclude them from your backups to conserve resources.

    Backup failed w/o notice

    In most cases you should be notified right away in your Total Upkeep dashboard if the backup times out or doesn’t complete for some reason. In that case you will receive an email correspondence, but there are rare times when the backup will complete with errors. In this case you may not be notified but you can confirm if the backup completed properly in your backup logs. Navigate to Total Upkeep > Tools > Logs and look for your most recent log with a name like archive-XXXXXXXX.log. If you can copy that and paste it here, we’ll be able to get some more information about what went wrong.

    Perhaps if we can determine exactly what caused the file to become corrupted we can add a feature request to have an email triggered when it’s detected.

    We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you further with this Alan.

    Brandon C

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for reaching out although I’m sorry to hear you’re having problems confirming your backups are completing due to the unknown error in the “Browser Backup” section of your Total Upkeep dashboard. I’m not exactly sure why the Database browser tab is timing out but if I had to guess it would probably be related server resources or maybe corrupt database tables.

    You should be able to check your backup logs to confirm if the backup is completing properly. It should also reveal if any errors are present in the backup file. To access your backup logs you can visit the Total Upkeep dashboard from your WordPress Admin area Total Upkeep > Tools > Logs and look for your latest archive file. It will look something like archive-187607374.log.

    You can use Github Gist or PasteBin to copy/paste your log and create a link so that we can review it.

    Another way to test your backup file is by using the Cloud instance on your BoldGrid Central account to create a WordPress installation and see if it allows you to restore the complete backup. You just need to install Total Upkeep and use this website as the destination site to upload your backup.

    I hope this helps Steve, we look forward to assisting your further with this!

    in reply to: How do I change the layout of the blog page template? #103556
    Brandon C

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using the Pavilion theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    Your Pavilion uses an earlier version of our theme framework that does not have the ability to fully control the display of the blog post layout through the theme Customizer, however there are some adjustments that you can make using Custom CSS and WordPress filters that could help you get your blog posts displaying the way you envision them.

    If you would like to do something like disable the Blog sidebar have an article on How to Disable the Blog Sidebar demonstrates how to use filters to hide the sidebar in our GridOne theme specifically, but the techniques in that article will also work for Pavilion.

    Another option is using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder to build out your own blog page. You can add your own elements and layouts to the page but most important aspect would be adding the Blog Post list block. Our community manager Jesse created a video detailing how to make that happen:

    Lastly, you could try is switching from Pavilion to our latest WordPress theme Crio which does have tools in the Customizer for managing the display of sidebars in addition to a number of other features like custom page headers.

    I hope this helps Mark. Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Isaac,

    Just an update. I haven’t received word from the devs yet but as soon as I do you’ll be the first to know.

    Brandon C

    Hi Roland,

    Ah, I believe we are referring to two different settings options. You are correct the Backup Site Now button will not automatically backup via FTP because the backup will essentially pass through the web server before it sent to remote drives, leaving you the option to send it where you choose.

    The settings I was thinking of are for the backup itself and pertains to files/folders and database table options. I apologize for the confusion!

    Brandon C

    Hey Roland,

    I’m happy this works for you! The “Backup Site Now” button will execute what is set in your settings but it is an option that you can use at anytime along with your scheduled backups.

    Please let us know if you run into any issues we’ll be happy to assist you with anything further.

    Thank you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Rfahn,

    You’re more than than welcome! I’m so happy we could help get this resolved for you. We will always be here to answer you questions please don’t hesitate to reach back out should you need us again in the future!

    Thank you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Isaac!

    I know we had a higher priority vulnerability in Post and Page Builder that was just resolved so I’m sure that took a lot of our devs attention. I just gave them a nudge so I will contact again by the end of day today with a new update on when/if this can be resolved from our end.

    Thanks for bearing with us!

    Brandon C

    Hi Rfahn,

    I just received word from our developers that this issue has been patched in Post and Page Builder version 1.24.2 which has just now been released. Please note that the notice in WordFence will not go away until a new scan is run AFTER updating Post and Page Builder. This can be done manually from your WordPress dashboard in WordFence > Scans.

    Thanks for working with us through this Rfahn! Please let us know if there’s anything else we can help with.

    Brandon C

    Hi Roland,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Total Upkeep questions!

    Yes, you have the ability to schedule automatic backups to your web server as well as FTP. You have to configure both backup options in your Total Upkeep settings Total Upkeep > Backup Storage. You’ll have the ability to connect via FTP and configure your settings just like the Web Server settings.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you need further assistance we’ll be right here to assist you.

    Brandon C

    Hi Rfahn,

    I spoke with our developers about this and they are aware of the issue. They confirmed that based on the notice it means that there is a POSSIBLE vulnerability, although it is not a serious one. The worst possible thing someone could do, is trick a user into opening a link that would change their default editor setting.

    However, we do take all CSRF vulerabilities seriously, and are working on a patch now. I really hope this helps, you can contact us using this thread at any time for updates.

    Brandon C

    Hi rfahn,

    Thank you for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for questions.

    I tested Wordfence with Post and Page Builder and your Westview theme but I’m not recieving the same message as you pertaining to vulnerabilities. As far as I’m aware of no critical issues have been brought to our attention recently. The most stable Post and Page Builder version should be 1.24.1.

    We would need some additional information on your website to test this such as your:

    1. PHP Version #
    2. WordPress Version #
    3. Post and Page Builder Version #
    4. Steps you took to locate this message in Wordfence.
    5. When did you first noticed the issue? After an update or theme change perhaps?

    Thanks rfhan, if we can identify any vulnerabilities in Post and Page Builder our devs will look into resolving them right away. We look forward to assisting you further with this!

    in reply to: WordPress Update Continues to Fail #103090
    Brandon C

    Hi Amy,

    Thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear you’re having some trouble with a WordPress Update. Can you let us know exactly what you’re attempting to update? Is it your WordPress core version, a theme or plugin, or a combination of one or more? It would also help if you could let us know what versions you’re updating to and from.

    You might benefit from enabling WP_DEBUG on your WordPress site to see if it reveals any error messages. If you do see any errors we can take a look if you would copy/paste them into the thread here.

    in reply to: Total Upkeep Error when Downloading to Local Machine #103085
    Brandon C

    Hi Dennis,

    Thanks for reaching out, although I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with Total Upkeep downloading to your local machine.

    Judging by your error status code ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE. The most likely causes for this would be something similar to the following:

    1. Your backup file is large, and taking longer than your host’s Apache or NGINX configuration allows for a web-based download.
    2. Your access to admin-ajax.php is blocked. This is sometimes caused by a false positive in a security plugin, or your host’s security software, such as ModSec.

    It’s possible that your host or another plugin, such as a security plugin, may be blocking access to admin-ajax, the interface that handles the downloads. If you have access to do so, I recommend enabling WP_DEBUG and reviewing the errors there, and checking your Apache and NGINX error logs for more information.

    If you need immediate access to your backup files, you can also use FTP or your host’s file manager to get access to the files.

    Further Troubleshooting:

    If you could provide more details on the matter we may be able to determine exactly what’s causing the issue:

    • Has anything changed recently on your site? A new plugin, SSL certificate, or change of URL?
    • What are the exact steps you take when you get this error?
    • Have you tried the same steps with a different web browser?
    • Have you checked with your web host to see if they have any error logs that might shed light on the issue?

    I hope this helps Dennis.  We look forward to hearing from you so that we can continue working towards a resolution!

    Brandon C

    Hi Beth!

    Thank you for reaching out and thanks for using the Swifty theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    Jesse explains a few different ways to display blog post on your homepage in the video. If you could let us know exactly how you’re attempting to implement your blog post in to your homepage we can point you into the right direction.

    If you just need to display an archive of your latest post as your homepage you can visit the WordPress Customizer Appearance > Customize > Advanced > Homepage Settings and chose the option to display “Your latest post”.

    I hope this helps Beth! We look forward to answering any questions you have on this.

    Brandon C

    Hi Ken,

    Thank for reaching out! Accordion functionality is not native to Post and Page Builder but we do have a guide on adding Collapsing Divisions to your Post and Page Builder using HTML and CSS. Please take a look at the guide and let us know if you have any questions.

    I hope this helps Ken!

    Brandon C

    You’re very welcome Isaac! I hope that we can we get this resolved soon for you.

    Brandon C

    Hi Issac,

    I can’t give a definite timeline for the fix at this time but I do know that our developers are aware of the issue so they will be looking into it. You should definitely reach back out early next week if you aren’t contacted on the matter by then.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Modifying the Crio WordPress Theme Footer #102447
    Brandon C

    Hi Jim,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I’m sorry to hear you’re having some trouble following the guides you’ve located. The customizer is a part of your native WordPress application. In order to access the footers section of the customizer navigate to the backend (admin) area of your WordPress website and hover over Appearance. From there you will see the “Customize” tab. Select that item and it will open a new page and place you in customize mode.

    From that point to access footers you just need to navigate to Here you’ll have the option to modify the native Crio footer from the “Layout” section or adding your own Custom Crio Footer by selecting the “Footer Templates” section which will allow you to create your own page footers using the same drag and drop functionality as the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress.

    I hope this Helps Jim, please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Maureen,

    Thank you for reaching out, although I’m sorry to hear you’re having some trouble with Total Upkeep website migrations.

    When reviewing your error message one thing that stood out to me is that you are using PHP Version 8.2.8 in your WordPress instance which is still in beta at this moment. I believe as of this time PHP 8.0 is the recommended stable version of PHP.

    We tested a Total Upkeep migration using PHP 7.4 as the “Source” site and PHP 8.2 as the “Destination” site using the Magic Link method and although we did receive a similar warning the backup did allow us to restore on the destination site.

    I think there is a possible bug here with 8.2 but if would be very helpful if you could provide us with some additional information:

    1.) Is this your first time attempting a site restoration with Total Upkeep and if not have they ever completed?

    2.) What method are you using to perform your restoration? Magic Link, Manual Restoration, WP-CLI etc…

    3.) What is the PHP version of the “Source” site of your transfer?

    We’ve already created a bug ticket for this on your behalf but it would be awesome if we could get that information so that we can add to it and continue testing.

    In the meantime it may be a solid workaround to trying scaling the “Destination” site back to at least PHP 8.0 then reattempt your transfer.

    I hope this helps Maureen, and we hope to hear from you soon!

    Brandon C

    Hi Fabio,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions!

    I tested your issue in Firefox and was unable to replicate the error. In my instance the Post saved properly as it is supposed to. Have you tried this out in any other browsers?

    Is your WordPress core/theme and Post and Page Builder plugin updated to its latest versions? Also do you remember when you first started experiencing this problem? Was it maybe after an update of some sort, or after installing a new plugin?

    We look forward to assisting you further with this Fabio!

    in reply to: How do I access my BoldGrid connect key? #102125
    Brandon C

    Hi Maureen!

    I’m so happy you were able to get this resolved! I think adding a link to the membership dashboard for accessibility is a great idea. I will relay this to our devs and hopefully we can get this into a feature request that will one day be implemented into Total Upkeep.

    Please let us know if there is anything else that we can answer for you, we will be right here to help!

    Brandon C

    Hi Stefano,

    Thanks for reaching out! I should note that Total Upkeep isn’t rigorously tested with WordPress Multisite.

    That said, it can be installed on the network and be used by the network super-admin, and it will back up the entire network, but not individual sites so I’m not sure if you’ll get the desired result when trying to restore to a single site.

    in reply to: How can I make my WSIBold theme compatible with PHP 8.0 #102085
    Brandon C

    Hi Issac,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    We inspected your site and noticed that you’re using what appears to be a child theme of the BoldGrid Legacy theme Hydra.

    I’m pretty sure you can bring it to compatibility but you would need to access your theme code directly to resolve it. You would need to locate the PHP Fatal error and resolve the Undefined constant which should be somewhere in your /templates/header file.

    It would help if you’re still in contact with the developer of the child-theme. You may be able to recreate it using a more up to date Post and Page Builder compatible theme such as Crio Pro WordPress theme.

    I know this isn’t much but I hope it helps in some way Issac. Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Issac,

    On my end it looks like the Draw Attention editor is an extension of the WordPress Block Editor so I was able to view this option right after activating the plugin.

    ppb with draw attention editor.

    However, I received an error after attempting to switch to the Post and Page Builder editor and I was unable to access the page after that point. This was true for PHP versions 7.4 and 8.0.

    Deprecated: Hook block_editor_settings is deprecated since version 5.8.0! Use block_editor_settings_all instead. in /home/sitesbyyogi/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5828
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/sitesbyyogi/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php:5828) in /home/sitesbyyogi/public_html/wp-admin/admin-header.php on line 9

    I’m not sure exactly why this is occurring but I’ve created a bug request on your behalf so that our developers can have a look at this. We’ll be sure to reach out to you using this thread the moment we have an update for you.

    Thanks Issac, I we can help you to get this resolved quickly.

    in reply to: How do I access my BoldGrid connect key? #101780
    Brandon C

    Hi Maureen,

    Thank you for reaching out and also for using Total Upkeep for your WordPress backups and migrations!

    You can find your BoldGrid Connect Key inside of your BoldGrid Central dashboard in the “Connect Keys” section. You can follow this guide if you need help accessing your BoldGrid Central Account.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Issac,

    You can also try switching to the classic editor from the specific page you’re editing. If you notice on the upper right hand side of your page editor you have the “Editor Option. You can try setting your preferred editor directly from here as well.

    Page builder editor change

    Remember you would need to do this on a page by page basis. You mentioned this issue started some months back. Do you remember if anything changed during that time? Something like an update to one of your plugins, WordPress core, or PHP version?

    I am getting some errors on my end when testing these two plugins so it’s likely indicative of a larger issue. We’ll do some more testing and get back to you using this thread when we have more details and/or a possible solution.

    Thanks Issac!

    Brandon C

    Hi Isaac,

    Thanks so much for reaching out! I think you’re correct in your assumption that BoldGrid Post and Page Builder is overriding the Draw Attention editor.

    To correct this you should be able to change your preferred editor from your Post and Page Builder settings. The linked guide will show you how to do just that.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you require further assistance.

    Brandon C

    Hi Sher,

    Thank you for reaching out! We made this private for you so that your personal information won’t be displayed online. What you can do is reach out to premium support directly at to get this sorted out.

    I hope this helps!

    in reply to: Crio WordPress Theme Premium Features Disappeared #101374
    Brandon C

    Hi Ernie,

    Thanks for reaching out! The fact that you transferred the site over from a staging area makes me think the issue may be the Premium Key associated with your Crio Pro WordPress theme was removed in the transfer.

    What you likely need to do here is access your BoldGrid Central account and copy/paste the premium key into your website. You can find your Premium Key in the Connect Keys section of your BoldGrid Dashboard.

    Once you have copied the premium key visit your WordPress admin Settings > BoldGrid Connect and to input it into your website.

    I hope this helps Ernie! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: How to create full width sections in Post and Page Builder #101306
    Brandon C

    Hi Jim,

    Thanks for reaching out with with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions!

    I can understand how working with Post and Page Builder can be confusing at first. It can take a bit of time to get used to the block style editor.

    I’m trying to visualize exactly what you’re wanting to build. You mentioned you wanted a full width “header” section. I’m assuming you mean at the very top of the page but below the main menu/navigation section. This is typically called a “Hero” section.  I created a video for you explaining how to create a full width page with hero section and two additional columns below.

    I hope this is what you’re looking for Jim, we also have a guide on using the Post and Page Builder that I think should be beneficial to you. Please let us know if you need further assistance with this!

Viewing 40 posts - 361 through 400 (of 1,885 total)