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  • Brandon C

    Hi Melanie,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme questions! We’re sorry to hear you’re having some issues after your update but let’s see if we can help you out.

    You mentioned you received an email with errors listed. Could you copy/paste those errors into the thread here? Also, can you send us the URL of your website so that we can inspect it using our browser tools?

    We look forward to assisting you further with this!

    Brandon C

    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    Your BoldGrid Premium Connect Key is used to unlock additional premium features in our plugins and themes, including the removal of the Special Thank attribution link in the footer. You can locate all known Connect keys associated with your account under the Connect Keys section of the BoldGrid Central dashboard. Once you have your key you can connect it to your website by navigating to Settings > BoldGrid Connect and adding it there which should then unlock the ability to hide the attribution.

    After activating your premuium connect key you can follow this guide to hide attribution links in your footer.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you.

    Brandon C

    Thanks CR,

    How are your order pages being generated, are you using a shortcode? Are you able send us a screenshot of what you’re experiencing using

    Brandon C

    Hi Cindi,

    Thank you for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder and Woocommerce questions.

    Is this issue effecting all of your WooCommerce product pages or is it limited to the one you were working on at the time the issue occurred? You may need to change your preferred editor back to Post and Page Builder in the page itself instead of globally.

    You should also clear any cache associated with your website, this includes browser cache and any server side cache.

    Also, has this issue had any effect on your live page? If you could link us to that page we can inspect it and see if any errors arise in the console.

    We look forward to assisting you further with this.

    Brandon C

    Hi Teri!

    Thanks so much for reaching out and for being a long time user of our BoldGrid themes and BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    Site performance and optimization are super important so I definitely understand your concern here. The best way to test site performance is by using a page speed testing tool. The most popular free ones are GTmetrix and Google Page Speed insights. You can use these tools to get detailed information about website performance and recommendations to make enhancements.

    Your Vacation Theme is considered a BoldGrid Legacy theme and only receives core updates to keep it functional at this time.

    All of Vacation features and controls have been integrated into Crio Pro WordPress theme which receives regular updates and is fully compatible with Post and Page Builder. Crio is very well documented and comes with over 400 customizable controls right out of the box including highly functional responsive design settings.

    Switching over to Crio is just a suggestion but I think it will streamline a lot of your design work and enhance your overall site performance.

    I hope this helps Teri! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you.

    Brandon C

    Hey Ethan,

    Thanks for reaching out although I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with your Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    The good news is your site files and database are still in tact so the site is still salvageable. Firstly, be sure to clear all cache associated with your site (including browser cache and any server side caching agents you may be running), then check your site to see if that re-establishes the connection.

    If that doesn’t work you’ll want to enable wp_debug on your site to see if it reveals any error messages. If it does, please copy/paste the any error messages into the thread here so that we can take a look. There could be a problematic plugin or script causing this error.

    I hope this helps! We look forward to assisting you further with this.

    in reply to: WP Edit Password Protected plugin fatal error #87621
    Brandon C

    Thanks a lot Cheryl,

    So one quick way to test the issue is to deactivate all plugins with the exception of BoldGrid plugins and then reactivate them one by check (checking your live site after each reactivation). Eventually you will come across the problematic plugin when the error message reappears.

    Also a quick way to locate your current PHP version is from your WordPress dashboard Tools > Site Health section under the server tab.

    I hope this helps!

    in reply to: Featured Images Not Posting When Publishing Blog #87618
    Brandon C

    Hi Pierre,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions!

    Your Post thumbnails are actually controlled by your SEO Plugin of choice it’s possible that your SEO plugin was never reactivated after restoring the site after the hack. You can download our BoldGrid SEO plugin and this should resolve your post thumbnail issue.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you.

    in reply to: WP Edit Password Protected plugin fatal error #87613
    Brandon C

    Hi Cheryl,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    We were unable to replicate your issue on our end but it seems to be a result of the Password Protected plugin clashing with some other active plugin you have running on your website. If you could visit the “Plugins” section of your WordPress dashboard and copy/paste your list of active plugins into the dashboard here we’ll continue testing the issue in an environment that closely resembles your own.

    It would also be a great help if you would provide us with your current PHP version and WordPress Core version number.

    Thank you, We look forward to hearing back from you and assisting you further with this!

    in reply to: Modified PW protect page to work with Gravity Forms #87538
    Brandon C

    Hi Shawn,

    We’ll definitely review your code and test with the PPWP plugin, Gravity forms and our BoldGrid products Crio Pro WordPress theme and BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress.

    If we feel this is a needed implementation we will definitely create a new article or update the existing one with the new information.

    We appreciate your for working on this and bringing it to our attention! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can help with!

    Brandon C

    Thanks Bill,

    Yes we will definitely take a look into these templates and get them updated as soon as possible. I’ll be sure to reach back out to you via this thread when that happens. You can also contact us here for updates.

    Thanks again for bringing this to our attention Bill and we’re looking forward to resolving this quickly for you!

    Brandon C

    That’s great to hear that everything is now functioning properly Carlos! You’re plugin is stand alone and doesn’t pull any resources from any of our servers. It’s possible some type of maintenance was being performed in the background of your site when you received this error.

    Thank you. Please don’t hesitate to reach back out if you have any more questions!

    Brandon C

    Hi Kara,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions.

    In order to change the image and opacity of the hero image here you’ll need to select the overall section containing it. Any section can contain many rows, columns and elements nested within it so you want to be sure you’re selecting the “black “section tab” when you hover over your hero section.

    From there chose “Change Background” and the controls settings for that sections background will appear. Click Image to change your image and Settings to open the control tab to change the sections opacity.

    I hope this helps Kara! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Carlos,

    Thanks for reaching out although we’re sorry to hear you’re having issue with your Total Upkeep Premium installation.

    To begin troubleshooting can you tell us if you’re experiencing this error directly upon activation of the plugin or is this something happening as a result of attempting a site backup or restoration? This will give us more insight on how to proceed with troubleshooting your issue.

    We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you further with this!

    Brandon C

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for hosting with our premium partner DreamHost! I’m sorry to hear that you’re having some issues with the Inspirations plugin but let’s see if we can help you out!

    It is correct that you can use your DreamHost credentials to do so, you just have to be sure you’re logging in to the BoldGrid Central platform specifically.

    As far as the Inspirations error we’ll probably have to do some testing with Gravity Forms since it is a premium plugin. To begin troubleshooting when did you first notice this error? Was it after an update to your WordPress Core, PHP Version or any themes/plugins?

    Also, was this your first time installing and activating BoldGrid Inspirations?

    We look forward to assisting you further with this Tom, Once you log in to BoldGrid central it might help to access BoldGrid Premium Support which you get free with your DreamHost plan as well. That way you can give us permission to access your site directly and inspect this issue if necessary.

    Thank you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for using with and thank you for using the Wedge theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    Your Wedge theme is considered a BoldGrid Legacy theme and only receives core updates to keep it functional at this time. With that being said, we’d just need some details on the issue from you so that we can get it over to our developers to inspect.

    Are you receiving an error message of any kind? If so, it would be a great help it you can paste it here so that we can take a look. If it’s something like out of date WooCommerce templates we should be able to patch that and send out and update.

    All of the Wedge theme features and controls have been integrated into Crio Pro WordPress theme! which receives regular updates and is fully compatible with Post and Page Builder. Crio is very well documented and comes with over 400 customizable controls right out of the box including highly functional WooCommerce control settings.

    Switching over to Crio is just a suggestion but I think it will streamline a lot of your design work.

    We look forward to assisting you further with this Bill!

    Brandon C

    Hi Alan,

    Our BoldGrid Products are essentially beginner level friendly but it does take some overall knowledge of WordPress in general. If you’ve never used WordPress before I’d suggest a getting started with a WordPress tutorial to help you familiarize yourself with the basic settings and controls.

    Brandon C

    Hi Prattay,

    Thanks for reaching out, This support site is strictly for BoldGrid Products. I inspected your website and I do see that while its a WordPress website it doesn’t seem to use any of our themes or plugins. Please review our product list and let us know if there’s anything there that we can help you with.

    You may benefit from contacting Neve theme support directly on this matter.

    I hope this helps!

    Brandon C

    Thanks Alan,

    If you haven’t deleted your images out right you should be able to view them directly from the “Media” section of your WordPress Dashboard.

    The Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop icons you see at the top of your page editor are only to show you what the features would look like on each screen size, your changes will still take effect on all screen sizes.

    To modify elements based on screen size try to follow this guide on working with responsive utilities in Post and Page Builder, but definitely let us know if you have any questions after reviewing.

    I’m also linking a video guide for you to follow to help you learn some basic principles of the Post of Page Builder, I hope this makes it easier to understand some of the fundamental controls.

    Please let us know if there’s anything else we can answer for you Alan!

    in reply to: How do I set global fonts in my BoldGrid theme? #87288
    Brandon C

    Thanks Cheryl,

    You mentioned “As I move the slider, the whole page showing to the right gets magnified”, the slider control is actually changing the font size of the selected global element in your theme in real time. If you update/publish your changes it will take effect for that global element only (Headings, Subheadings, and Main Text).

    For all other fonts you would want to use your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder controls. In order to reach the editor click Pages or Posts from your WordPress dashboard and then hover over the item you would like to update and click “edit” page/post.

    Back to the global slider I really do believe that this a bug preventing the controls from working correctly. I will bring this to our developers attention but I don’t know how quickly a patch might go out for it. Your Primas Theme is considered a BoldGrid Legacy theme and only receives core updates to keep it functional at this time.

    All of Primas features and controls have been integrated into Crio Pro WordPress theme which receives regular updates and is fully compatible with Post and Page Builder. Crio is very well documented and comes with over 400 customizable controls right out of the box including highly functional font control settings.

    Switching over to Crio is just a suggestion but I think it will streamline a lot of your design work.

    I hope this helps Cheryl! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you.

    in reply to: How do I set global fonts in my BoldGrid theme? #87188
    Brandon C

    Thanks Cheryl,

    When selecting the sub controls (Headings, Subheadings, and Main Text), it should display those options. You want to be sure, that the font you’re changing is for the correct global element. When I checked this on my end I noticed the slider was working but the “16px” size does not increase or decrease along with it.

    The font control options in the customizer won’t apply to fonts that have been pre-selected on current post/pages with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder. You’ll need to “Edit” the post/page to access font control on specific pages/posts if you wish to change fonts that way.

    When did you first notice your issue? Was it after updating your WordPress core or PHP version perhaps?

    in reply to: How to create child theme for Crio WordPress Theme #87139
    Brandon C

    Hi Chaitanya,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for your question about configuring a child theme for Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    You can follow this guide to create a child theme for Crio but I want to let you know that our Crio helper plugin BoldGrid Inspirations essentially makes the need for child themes obsolete.

    With Inspirations all you need to do is install the plugin and follow the prompts to set up your first theme. We have pre-made layouts for just about any type of business you can think of. Inspirations provides a suite of WordPress plugins, themes, and services designed to work together. This eliminates the need to search for compatible WordPress themes and plugins so you can build faster.

    The BoldGrid Inspirations plugin will also install any additional plugins needed for your theme to function properly. From there it’s up to you to use Crio’s pro features to make the site your own.

    Additionally you can use a plugin like Code Snippets to add custom code to your theme and with Crio’s over 400 customizable options you’ll have no problem implementing new custom post types such as custom pages headers and footers and so on.

    If you give us a little more information about why you’re in need of a Crio child theme we can surely help you come up with the best possible workaround to help implement your modifications.

    I hope this helps Chaitanya! We look forward to answering any further questions you might have.

    Brandon C

    Hi Alan,

    Thanks for reaching out, I’m sorry you’re having a hard time getting up and running with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder but we can help you out here!

    There are many different ways to manipulate and move elements in Post and Page Builder. The easiest way to move a box should be the drag and drop method. You should also make sure you’re using a laptop or desktop to make your updates as it’s much easier that way.

    To replace an image in Post and Page Builder simply click the image and a “Camera + Music Note” icon will appear, click the Camera + Music Note icon to select a new image.

    I tried inspecting your website but I see a site closed message at the link you posted in the thread. If you can link us to one of your live pages we can definitely take a look give you some direct assistance!

    I hope this helps! We’re definitely here to answers any other questions you may have!

    in reply to: How do I set global fonts in my BoldGrid theme? #87090
    Brandon C

    Hi Cheryl,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using the Primas theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    Each WordPress theme is created a bit differently and they all have their own built-in features. In the case of your Primas theme you can access global fonts from the WordPress Customizer. From your dashboard click Appearance > Customize > Fonts and from that control you’ll see options for Headings, Subheadings, and Main Text. You can use these controls to change global fonts in your theme.

    If you would like to change fonts on a page by page basis using the Post and Page Builder you can edit any post or page and access fonts in the editor as well.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Nelson,

    I spoke with our devs and this issue is on their radar. There should be fix coming out in the next patch so thanks a lot for baring with us!

    in reply to: PHP AJAX error related to Total Upkeep #87037
    Brandon C

    Hi Will,

    That set of permissions (775) may not be the safest but it isn’t totally unsafe. The difference is it will give read, write, execute access at the server level instead of based on an individual user.

    If you’re only changing the permissions for one file I’d say go for it but I wouldn’t recommend it for all files. Another option is to exclude the problematic file and try running the backup without it if that works for you.

    in reply to: Total Upkeep backup failing due to fatal error #87014
    Brandon C

    Hi Itai,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Total Upkeep questions!

    Since you’re receiving this error due to the size of the backup exceeding a limitation of your hosting account it may not be possible to workaround without increasing your server resources.

    You can try changing the backup compressor type to see if that allows the backup to complete. Navigate to Total Upkeep > Settings > Backup Process. If System Zip is available, choose that option. System Zip is significantly faster than the PclZip or ZipArchive libraries, and may use fewer resources. Attempt to create another backup using the Default compression level.

    If the backup still fails, try reducing the Compression Level. A setting of 0 will not compress the backup at all, using the lowest amount of CPU and memory. This does mean that the Disk Input/Output is increased due to the larger file size, however.

    If your backups are still failing after switching the Backup Compressor and Compression Level, set the Compression Level back to Default, and check the box to enable the Filelist Analysis. Attempt to create another backup.

    Navigate to Total Upkeep > Tools > Logs, and look for the most recent log that ends in filelist.log. Examine the filelist and look for any very large files or directories. You can then delete those files if you don’t need them, or exclude them from your backups to conserve resources.

    I want to reiterate that, this error is due to the size of the backup (30gb) exceeding a limitation of your hosting account it may not be possible to workaround without increasing your server resources.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you.

    Brandon C

    Hi Andrew, thanks for reaching out and you can definitely add new elements to your Crio Pro WordPress theme footer!

    There are a couple of different ways to accomplish this, you can use the native customizer Footer controls to modify your footer directly from the WordPress Customizer. This is normally the quickest way to add new elements to your footer.

    You can also use the custom footer builder in Crio. Custom footers allow you to create your footer with the same drag and drop functionality as the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress which gives you total control over element placement.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme questions!

    All WordPress themes come with their own features and functionalities so we can’t be certain that you will retain your elements in the case you switch WordPress themes.

    The good news is this can be done using Crio. You can take advantage of the custom footers builder in Crio to create your full width image.

    Custom footers allow you to create your footer with the same drag and drop functionality as the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress, which means you can create a section to hold your footer elements and use an image as the background for that section.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if we can answer anything else for you.

    in reply to: PHP AJAX error related to Total Upkeep #86936
    Brandon C

    Thanks Will, and you’re very welcome,

    Your permissions seem to be correct. Is this your first time creating a backup with Total Upkeep? You should create a sanity check just to verify that you are able to create backups on your server.

    You can also try changing your your backup file compressor type to see if that resolves the issue. You can do so by navigating to Total Upkeep > Settings > Backup Process. If System Zip is available, choose that option. System Zip is significantly faster than the PclZip or ZipArchive libraries, and may use fewer resources.

    in reply to: PHP AJAX error related to Total Upkeep #86926
    Brandon C

    Hi Will,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Total Upkeep for WordPress!

    This error is related to the file permissions on your server. Normally when you see this it means your System Administrator disabled write permissions on the root of your website, and only allows the user to write to the wp-content directory rather than the core WordPress files.

    You’ll need to log into your cPanel and change your user permissions in order for the backup to complete. Your Web Host can help with this if you’re unsure of how to do so, I also located a guide that you might find useful.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can answer for you!

    in reply to: Browser labeling all of my cloud WordPress domains unsafe. #86899
    Brandon C

    Hi Chanelle,

    Thanks for reaching out although I’m sorry you’re having trouble with your Cloud WordPress demo sites.

    Being that this is for one of our paid services I’m going to recommend reaching out to BoldGrid Premium support directly. Our premium support reps can access your account (with your permission) and inspect these types of concerns directly.

    I hope you’re able to reach a quick resolution for this!

    Brandon C

    Hi Diosa,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme questions!

    We inspected your site and it looks like you may have gotten this resolved on your own. Please let us know if we offer any further assistance in this matter we’d be happy to help!

    in reply to: How To Create A Child Theme For Swifty Theme #86803
    Brandon C

    Hi Chaitanya,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using the Swifty theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    We’re will test the Swifty Theme and Create a child theme on our end to test. I think the issue here might be that swifty is considered a V1 (legacy) theme and no longer gets the necessary updates to stay current with the latest versions of WordPress and PHP.

    Swifty as well as our other BoldGrid themes have all been incorporated into the Crio Pro WordPress theme! Which we recommend using for advanced customization and general WordPress design with the BoldGrid Framework.

    We will get back in touch after testing the Swifty child theme on our end and let you know if we can replicate the same issue.

    Thank you, I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Certainly Nelson,

    We look forward to working through this with you and will be in touch soon!

    Brandon C

    Hi Nicholas,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme questions!

    What you’re seeing on your page is the product breadcrumb. You can remove these tags with some custom CSS.

    From your WordPress Admin visit Appearance > Customize > CSS/JS Editor and add this bit of CSS:

    .palette-primary .breadcrumb {
    	display: none !important;

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us!

    Brandon C

    Thanks Nelson,

    I think we may have just replicated your issue with PHP 8.1 and 8.2. On our end everything did function properly with PHP version 8.0 and below enabled.

    I’ll get this concern over to our developers ASAP and find out how they would like to proceed. In the meantime you can try updating to PHP 8.0. Be mindful that PHP version 8.1 and 8.2 are a not stable versions and are still not the recommended standard.

    You are still safe to run PHP 7.4 as it won’t be removed from the platform anytime in the foreseeable future. PHP 7.4 is actually still the recommended version of PHP to run with WordPress with the newer versions still being betas.

    We’ll be sure to keep you updated when we get word from our developers. You can also reach out via this thread at any time for an update.

    Thank you!

    Brandon C

    Thank you Nelson,

    Can you tell me exactly where you’re receiving this error? When I check the site I’m noticing it’s live and functioning properly on my end.

    Is this a back-end issue perhaps?

    Brandon C

    Thanks Linden,

    I do understand, I was a fan of the Used Blocks option as well but it was removed due to user complaining that the functionality was too confusing. I will document this because I feel if we have enough contacts with similar concerns our developers can be persuaded to re-implement the feature.

    Thanks for understanding!

    Brandon C

    Hi Linden,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder although I’m sorry to hear you’ve lost a used block in your “Add Block” section.

    You mentioned you frequently use the block that was lost. It’s possible you could recover it by finding the block on a page or post where it was used and then saving the content to your block library. After doing so you can select the block from the block library to reuse in your pages and posts.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us!

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