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  • Brandon C

    Hi John,

    Sorry about that I must have forgot to add the link to the article on using the responsive utilities in Post and Page Builder.

    I inspected the contact page on all screen sizes and I still only see the one image. It’s possible this images are completely hidden in the responsive utilities or hidden using custom CSS.

    Could you use imgBB to send us a screenshot of the contact page in the page editor so that we can see if we can tell if there are any irregularities there?

    in reply to: Problems creating a backup in Total Upkeep #84614
    Brandon C

    Hi Lori,

    Thanks for reaching out although I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble creating your first backup. Thanks for sending over your Total Upkeep backup log. What I get from this is the Cannot add signal handlers, pcntl_async_signals function does not exist error.

    It sounds like the pcntl_async_signals method is not enabled in the version of PHP currently running on your web server and enabling it should get rid of the error message. You might need to reach out to your hosting provider to see if that is something that they can handle for you.

    Hopefully making that configuration change gets the backup working correctly. You may also benefit from changing the compressor type you’re currently using to generate backup. You can find which Compressor you are using under the Backup Process settings. Try switching the Compressor to System Zip if you are not already using it to see if maybe that will get backups working.

    Also, does your website pass the functionality tests in the Preflight Check tool?

    in reply to: How can I display Json data in a BoldGrid Block? #84611
    Brandon C

    Hi Joseph,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions.

    We don’t have an out of the box method for adding JSON data to your BoldGrid blocks but it could be possible with a plugin like the JSON Content Importer.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you.

    in reply to: Error with Crio Premium WordPress Theme #84608
    Brandon C

    Hi Ashley,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I removed your BoldGrid key because this is a public facing forum and we wouldn’t want that information exposed.

    We inspected your site and it looks like it’s back up and running so that means you’ve either resolved this issue or deactivated the Crio Premium plugin that was causing the issue.

    If you’re still experiencing this issue with Crio Premium can you tell us when the error first occurred? Was it on the initial activation of the plugin or after an update to Crio Premium or your WordPress core?

    You could try enabling wp_debug on your site to see if it reveals an error message. If so copy/paste that message into thread so that we can have a look.

    We look forward to assisting you further with this if need be!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Brandon C.
    Brandon C

    Hi John,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions! I think the issue with the Gallery Block Component is custom url option was mistakenly removed from the “Link To” dropdown options in a past update. I’ve already contacted our developers on your behalf about the matter.

    I do want you to know that the new preferred way to add a gallery is through the blue “Add Block” button in Post and Page Builder. After selecting the Add Block option set the category to “Gallery”. The PPB gallery blocks are behave exactly as images on the page and will allow you to link to custom URLs.

    I hope this helps!

    Brandon C

    Hi John,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions.

    We inspected your page and it looks like I’m getting images on mobile device screen sizes on my end. Are you experiencing this issue using a specific browser type?

    It’s is possible you’ve hidden some elements using the responsive utilities in Post and Page Builder as well. Take a look at this guide and it should help familiarize yourself designing for specific device sizes.

    I hope this helps. We look forward to assisting you further with this.

    in reply to: Am I able to restore single folder with Total Upkeep? #84368
    Brandon C

    Thanks Michael,

    There certainly could be cause for concern here. We’ll know more about the issue once we run some test on different server types and files permissions. I definitely understand the Rollback problem, you’re correct it doesn’t work with premium plugins.

    We’ll address all the concerns discussed here and I’ll be sure to reach back out to you when I have more answers or a stable solution.

    Thanks Michael, don’t hesitate to reach back out via this thread for updates on the matter.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Vincent!

    I’m happy to hear the installation went well. As far as the site transfer, what option did you use to upload the backup? Was it the with the Magic Link method or did you just manually upload your backup?

    Just to test you could try deleting your current Cloud instance and re-uploading the backup to a new one. You can follow this guide to learn more about site restorations with Total Upkeep.

    Brandon C

    Hi Vincent,

    Thanks for reaching out although I’m sorry to see you’re experiencing this issue with BoldGrid Cloud WordPress.

    To begin troubleshooting can you tell us exactly when this error started happening. Was it right after site deployment or perhaps after a plugin installation, update or code change?

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    in reply to: Am I able to restore single folder with Total Upkeep? #84234
    Brandon C

    Thanks Michael,

    For your first concern if you ever run into a plugin issue after an update in the future you can try using WP Rollback plugin to roll back to a previous version. This should be more efficient than attempting a backup for this type of issue.

    As far as the exclude files if you wouldn’t mind giving me a day or so to consult with our developers. We may actually already have a fix or workaround for this issue and if not it definitely needs to be addressed properly.

    We appreciate you for bringing these things to our attention. I will reach back out and let you know what information I get from our devs on the matter via this thread.

    Thanks Michael, please let us know if you have any other questions for us!

    Brandon C

    Hi Matt,

    It looks like we did receive your contact in Premium Support. We sent out a reply and are now just waiting on your response.

    Thank you!

    Brandon C

    Thanks John,

    I definitely understand where you’re coming from but no worries. Because you host with InMotion (one of our premium partners) you can log in to your BoldGrid Central account using the same credentials you’d use to access your InMotion Hosting account and select the question mark icon in the top right to access our BoldGrid Premium support.

    In premium support you can give us permission to access your website where we can inspect the issue directly.

    Thanks John, we’ll see you there!

    in reply to: Total Upkeep manual backup button won’t display #84156
    Brandon C

    You’re most certainly welcome Jonathan, and we’re happy to hear you were able to locate the problematic plugin. You should be able to deactivate that plugin and run your your backup before reactivating it.

    We’ll have to to do some testing to get a stable resolution implemented for this but it’s awesome you’ve found this workaround for the meantime.

    Thanks Jonathan and please let us know if you have any other questions for us!

    Brandon C

    Hi John,

    Thanks for reaching out and sorry for the delay on this. It seems you’re using Total Upkeep to restore a backup from a demo or staging area on to your new InMotion Hosting server.

    You mentioned “The error is happening when my hosting site tries to get my website up and running”. Are you all attempting to manually restore the Total Upkeep backup to a new instance of WordPress on the InMotion server?

    If not, can you let us know exactly how you’re attempting to restore the backup and at what point exactly are you receiving your error message with Crio Pro WordPress theme?

    We look forward to assisting you further with this!

    Brandon C

    Hi Matt,

    Sorry we can’t actually take any personal information like login credentials on this public facing forum. That’s why I encourage you to reach out to premium support.

    If you’re unsure of how to access premium support you can follow this guide here to log in to your BoldGrid Central account then click the “Help” icon.

    We look forward to assisting you further with this Matt!

    in reply to: Total Upkeep manual backup button won’t display #84140
    Brandon C

    Hi Jonathan,

    Thanks for reaching out and sharing your screenshots. Your manual backup button seems to be pushed off screen for some reason.

    It could be a result of CSS in Total Upkeep conflicting with the CSS of another plugin you have activated. I’m not sure if this will fix the issue but you could try to run the backup using a separate browser type. (i.e. if you’re using Firefox try pulling up your dashboard with Google Chrome).

    If you would visit your WordPress “Plugins” dashboard select Active to display a list of your active plugins then copy/paste that list into the thread here we can test to see if we can replicate your issue and implement the necessary changes to correct it.

    We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you further with this!

    in reply to: Enable Auto Play Video Loop on Self Hosted Videos #84072
    Brandon C

    Hi Maggie,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress! Setting self hosted videos to auto play is a fairly simple process.

    We had a similar question a while back and answered it in this thread.

    Please take a look and don’t hesitate to reach back out if you have any questions.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Am I able to restore single folder with Total Upkeep? #84069
    Brandon C

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for your question! At this time it’s not possible to restore a single folder using Total Upkeep’s one-click restore method although I think this would be a good feature to have. I’m going to create a feature request on your behalf and if accepted by our developers it will be implemented in an upcoming Total Upkeep Premium plugin update.

    You can refer back to this thread at anytime for an update on the matter. I’m curious to know what folder are you attempting to restore?

    Thanks Michael

    Brandon C

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Total Upkeep questions! We can definitely help answer your questions about configuring backups with Google Drive.

    In order for your Google Drive backup to complete Total Upkeep must first create the backup on your web server so that it can be transferred to Drive.

    This particular backup has to be created on the web server but you can set the retention to 1 one ensure that multiple backups are not being stored but there’s no way to actually transfer the backup without first taking it on the web server.

    I hope this helps Michael

    Brandon C

    I can definitely understand your frustration Matt.

    Just wanted to make sure you understood the difference in the plugin status being “Active” as opposed to simply “Installed”.

    If you would like to have us take a look reach out to premium support here and you can setup temporary access for us using a plugin like Temporary Login w/o Password.

    Thanks Matt.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Matt,

    Sorry we don’t offer any phone or video chat support at this time. You can get more direct help from the premium support section of your BoldGrid Central account. With premium support you can give us permission to access your site and address the issue where it’s present.

    From what you described it seems the standard Post and Page Builder might be installed but not “Activated”. Can you verify that both plugins are active on your WordPress site from the plugin dashboard?

    Brandon C

    Hi Tuurosung Joseph,

    Thanks for reaching out, I inspected your website and I don’t see that you have any BoldGrid products activated on your website. This issue with invalid settings seems like more of a WordPress core issue than a BoldGrid issue.

    Can you let us know if you’re experiencing this inside of your page editor, customizer, or some other WordPress setting control in the dashboard?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Brandon C.
    Brandon C

    Hi Matt,

    If you’re receiving that message it means that the plugin has already been installed. Make sure that both the standard plugin and the premium are both set to “Active” from the “Plugins” dashboard as well.

    Brandon C

    Hi Michael,

    We’re still testing this. Attempting to replicate the inspirations issue in PHP 8.1. As for BoldGrid Gallery if that’s an issue as well you can safely deactivate the plugin. All the BoldGrid Gallery features have been directly implemented into Post and Page Builder.

    Thanks Michael, if you don’t receive your next update by Friday don’t hesitate to reach out again.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Bill,

    Sorry the page editor doesn’t have that functionality out of the box. Elements are organized in Section, Rows, and Columns. Maybe this guide on working with the Post and Page Builder can help you understand the element layouts within Post and Page Builder a little better.

    If you’re having trouble aligning specific elements you can link us to the page where the issue is present and we can have a look.

    Brandon C

    Hi Chinecherem,

    Thank you for reaching out with your Total Upkeep questions. From what you’ve described this seems to be a browser based issue rather than one with Total Upkeep. In most cases a Total Upkeep error would be associated with the upload or backup process itself.

    With this, it seems your browser will not allow you to download a file this large. You can try changing the setting in your web browser to increase download size or try downloading the backup in a different browser such as Google Chrome which supports up to 6gb downloads out of the box.

    I hope this helps!

    Brandon C

    Hi Whitney,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using the Pavilion WordPress theme.

    To locate you header widgets try navigating to a normal “Page” (not a post are archive page) select the customizer there. Visit the Widgets section of the customizer and the widget areas the header should be titled “Above Primary Navigation” and “Right Below Primary Navigation”.

    Just below that you should see a button titled “Header Widgets” where you can select the number of widget areas you wish to display in your header and add custom HTML.

    If you want to change the menu itself this can be done from the “Menus” section of the WordPress customizer.

    I hope this helps Whitney, please let us know if you have more questions for us!

    Brandon C

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for reaching out, I’m not sure if this is exactly what you’re speaking of but there is a way to add tables to your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder pages.

    Tables are mostly used to show comparisons or feature lists on your website.

    Please let us know if this is what you were thinking of or if its something else we’d be happy to dive a bit deeper into this with you.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Brandon C.
    Brandon C

    Hi Cleve,

    No worries here, Total Upkeep premium is regularly updated. The reason this message displays is because the premium plugin is a part of a private repository, unlike the free version of the plugin which is maintained in the WordPress Repository.

    You can check the “Updates” section of your WordPress dashboard to ensure that TU Premium is up to date.

    I hope this helps!

    Brandon C

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for reaching out although I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble accessing your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder premium features.

    To begin troubleshooting lets make sure both WordPress your Post and Page Builder plugins are all updated to the latest version. You can confirm this from the “Updates” section of your WordPress dashboard.

    It’s also important to have both the standard Post and Builder plugin as well as the Post and Page Builder premium extension installed and active on your site at the same time. If you’re only running the premium plugin that would also explain why you’re having trouble accessing your features.

    I hope this helps Matt. We look forward to assisting you further with this.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Fabio,

    Definitely get that plugin list over to us when you can. An easy way to copy it over is to just visit the “Plugins” section of your WordPress dashboard select the “Active” filter and copy/paste the entire list you see there into the thread here.

    Thank you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Fabio,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions. We were unsuccessful in attempting to replicate this issue on Firefox.

    The drafts in our dev environment are saving properly in the browser and not displaying as published as you mentioned. When did first notice this issue occurring? Was it perhaps after an update of Post and Page Builder or your WordPress core application?

    Can you please verify for us that you’re using the most update versions so that we can troubleshoot further? It would also help it if you send a list of your active plugins so that we can test this issue with the setup that most resembles your own.

    We look forward to assisting you further with this.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Alex,

    Sorry for the delay, we had already stepped out for the day. Custom headers work a bit differently than the pre generated headers in the WP customizer. Since you’re using a custom header you need to select the header you want to modify in the custom header editor.

    To find your header navigate from your WordPress Dashboard to Crio > Page Headers tab and select your page header here, and you’ll have the ability to modify your header elements.

    For the email widget, the only one I see is the the form in your footer. Would you like to move this widget to the right of the footer or would you like for it to display in the right sidebar?

    Fonts: I think the best way to add fonts to your WordPress site is by installing plugin like like the Fonts Plugin. This plugin includes the entire Google Fonts library.

    Thanks Alex, we look forward to hearing back from you on the email widget concern.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Alex,

    Sorry I didn’t realize the site-title and tagline were included. Try replacing that bit with this media query. You might have to adjust the dimensions a bit to get it to display exactly the way you want:

    @media (min-width: 1250px) {
      #masthead .boldgrid-section .container .row .sm-clean {
        margin-right: -40% !important;

    The Font Sizes for the Sites Title, Tagline and Menu Items are controlled from different sections of your customizer:

    Site Title – Design > Header > Site Title > Font Size

    Tagline – Design > Header > Tagline > Font Size

    Main Menu – Design > Menus > Main Menu > Font

    You can also create a custom header in Crio to give you more control over your header design. This method allows you to build out your own Page Headers using the same drag and drop features as the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder.

    Thanks Alex

    in reply to: Total Upkeep issue backing up to web server #82831
    Brandon C

    Hi Allison,

    Thanks for creating a new topic for this Total Upkeep concern.

    After looking into your concern we’ve concluded that this likely isn’t a cron issue. In order for your Google Drive backup to complete Total Upkeep must first create the backup on your web server so that it can be transferred to Drive.

    This particular backup has to be created on the web server but you can set the retention to 1 one ensure that multiple backups are not being stored but there’s no way to actually transfer the backup without first taking it on the web server.

    Brandon C

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme questions. I was able to move the menu links over to the right with a bit of custom CSS. Try adding this bit of CSS to the the CSS/JS Editor section of your WordPress customizer and it should get you close to where you need to be:

    #masthead>.boldgrid-section>.container {
        margin-right: 0px !important;

    I hope this helps, please let us know if you have any other questions for us!

    in reply to: Website shut down and I need to restore Boldgrid backup #82762
    Brandon C

    Hi TW!

    Thanks for sending over the file and we’d love to have you over as a premium user! I do have some bad news unfortunately, the file does appear to be way to large to be a proper Total Upkeep backup file and due to its size we can’t even download it in order to open and view the contents.

    I was hoping we could extract the correct backup file from your zip folder. Do you still have access to the old server at Hostgator? If so we may be able to at the very least create a new backup from the original site.

    in reply to: Total Upkeep scheduled backups are never happening #82752
    Brandon C

    Hi Bram,

    Thanks for reaching out although I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues with Total Upkeep. I’m not sure of the status of your premium ticket but I do apologize for any inconvenience you’ve experienced.

    Typically, this issue is due to exceeding some limitation of your hosting account, such as Memory, CPU, Disk Input/Output, or a timeout.

    Try creating a sanity check backup just to see if backups are completing at all and check your Pre-Flight Check for any obvious issues.

    You can also try changing your compressor type to a System Zip or PclZip. Navigate to Total Upkeep > Settings > Backup Process. If System Zip is available, choose that option. System Zip is significantly faster than the PclZip or ZipArchive libraries, and may use fewer resources. Attempt to create another backup using the Default compression level.

    If the backup still fails, try reducing the Compression Level. A setting of 0 will not compress the backup at all, using the lowest amount of CPU and memory. This does mean that the Disk Input/Output is increased due to the larger file size, however.

    I hope this helps, we look forward to assisting you further with this.

    in reply to: Total Upkeep backup failure, backup timing out #82726
    Brandon C

    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Total Upkeep questions!

    If you receive this error while creating a backup, it means that the backup process was interrupted but without any errors being thrown. Typically, this is due to exceeding some limitation of your hosting account, such as Memory, CPU, Disk Input/Output, or a timeout.

    Try creating a sanity check backup just to see if backups are completing at all and check your Pre-Flight Check for any obvious issues.

    I noticed you’re running a php_zip compressor type for your backups. Try changing your compressor type to a System Zip or PclZip. Navigate to Total Upkeep > Settings > Backup Process. If System Zip is available, choose that option. System Zip is significantly faster than the PclZip or ZipArchive libraries, and may use fewer resources. Attempt to create another backup using the Default compression level.

    If the backup still fails, try reducing the Compression Level. A setting of 0 will not compress the backup at all, using the lowest amount of CPU and memory. This does mean that the Disk Input/Output is increased due to the larger file size, however.

    I hope this helps, we look forward to assisting you further with this.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Casey,

    Just judging by your list of plugin I’d definitely suggestion the deactivation method to troubleshoot when you have some downtime. I see plugins listed here that could definitely cause issues as some are not always compatible with others and won’t function well unless the proper modifications are made in the code.

    As far as your usage issue, it seems this error is related to your BoldGrid Inspirations plugin. You can safely deactivate this plugin and inspect the site to see if the error is still present.

Viewing 40 posts - 641 through 680 (of 1,885 total)