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  • Brandon C

    Hi Bryn!

    I see you reached out on this thread about this same issue. We’ll just keep our communications here so it’s easy to locate your answers.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: How to Customize the Comments Section in Crio WordPress Theme #78738
    Brandon C

    Hi Kap,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme questions.

    You should be able to control your comments section links from the Crio customizer. You can navigate from your WordPress dashboard to Appearance > Customize > Design > Blog > Posts > Category Links.

    As far as the positioning of your input fields we may need to change that using CSS. How exactly did you want to have it displayed?

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Brandon C

    You’re more than welcome Kap! Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.

    Brandon C

    Hi Kap,

    Thank so much for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme questions! Yes, you can remove this “Allowed Tags” section.

    That text is a part of WordPress’ Core comments system, but you can remove it using the instructions found in this tutorial.

    To summarize the article, navigate to Customize > CSS/JS Editor and paste this snippet into your CSS Code:

    #commentform .form-allowed-tags,
    #commentform .alert {
        display: none;
    Brandon C

    Hi Ronny,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Inspirations questions. First I want to let you know that BoldGrid Gallery has been essentially discontinued and you can safely deactivate the plugin. All the BoldGrid Gallery features have been directly implemented into Post and Page Builder.

    I think your issue with the Inspirations plugin is stemming from your thrid-party theme. Inspirations is only useful for configuring BoldGrid Themes such as Crio Pro WordPress theme. You should also deactivate this plugin if you plan to continue using the Traffica theme.

    If you’re getting any error messages send them over and we’d be happy to take a look to see if there’s anything further going on.

    Thanks Ronny!

    in reply to: Unable to Confirm BoldGrid Account Or Use Crio Pro Upgrade #78717
    Brandon C

    Hi Bryn,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for your purchase. It looks like your account is confirmed. Can you try logging in to BoldGrid Central. You should be able to log in and download your Premium plugin directly from your dashboard.

    This guide will show you how to access your BoldGrid Central account. I hope this helps Bryn!

    Brandon C

    Hi Ian,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions.

    It’s true that your issues are stemming from problems with compatibility in Post and Page Builder and you TwentyTwentyOne theme.

    I’ve come up with some custom code that should remove that background and display your slider dot colors correctly. Place this snippet in the custom CSS Editor section of your WordPress customizer.

    button:not(:hover):not(:active):not(.has-background) {
    background-color: transparent !important;

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if we can assist you further with this.

    in reply to: How do I report a suspicious website? #78486
    Brandon C

    Hi Tracy thanks for reaching out,

    I’m sorry this website does not appear to include any BoldGrid Products so we actually wouldn’t have the ability to do anything here.

    What you should do is contact the web host of this site directly with your concern. I ran a search and it looks like the site at the URL you linked in the thread is hosted by NameSili,LLC.

    That might be a good place to start in resolving this matter. I hope this helps!

    Brandon C

    Hi Nadine,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I’m sorry to hear you having some trouble after your migration from staging to a live WordPress enviornment. I have some quick questions so that we can begin troubleshooting:

    1.) How did you complete your site migration? Are you publishing the site from a web hosting based server application?

    2.) Are you using a plugin such as Total Upkeep the BoldGrid backups and Migrations plugin?

    3.) Are you importing the site from a BoldGrid Cloud WordPress site?

    4.) Are you able to manually change text and publish in the new live environment?

    We look forward to hearing from you and assisting further with this!

    in reply to: Working with columns in Post and Page Builder #78191
    Brandon C

    Hi Cailin,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions.

    We can definitely help with this but first I want to get a better understanding of what you’re trying to accomplish. When I inspect your page I see that the image is sitting above the content.

    If I’m understanding correctly you would like to place two Columns within a Section that would both span 50% of the width of the overall Section.

    If this is the case I suggest creating a brand new section and cloning the inner nesting column to create two new columns then replace the content of the two columns with your image and text.

    If you’re satisfied at that point you can delete the previously created content and test your changes live.

    We have some articles that should help you gain a better understanding of how sections, rows, and columns work in Post and Page builder

    Working with Columns
    Working with Rows
    Working with Sections
    How to use the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder

    I hope this helps Cailin, Please let us know if we can assist you further with this!

    Brandon C

    Hi Prayag,

    You can reach out to via email for assistance on the matter. This issue with this forum is we have no access to your personal information to view the error and address it directly.

    Sorry for the confusion

    Brandon C

    Hi Diana,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I wanted to ask, are you having trouble logging into your WordPress site itself or are you trying to access your BoldGrid Central account?

    If you need help with a forgotten WordPress password you can refer to this article we created on the matter and we can also help with accessing your BoldGrid Central site a well.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Prayag,

    Thank you for reaching out and thanks for your interest in purchasing Total Upkeep premium backups and migrations plugin.

    While this forum is public facing and for technical issues I encourage you to reach our to our Premium Support channel via your BoldGrid Central account.

    This article will show you how to log in to your BoldGrid Central account if you have any trouble.
    I hope this helps!

    in reply to: Received an error after Crio WordPress Theme update #78071
    Brandon C

    Hi Amanda,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Crio Pro WordPress theme questions!

    First I want to let you know that the Crio WordPress Theme, and the Crio Premium plugin are two different products. The most current version of the theme itself is 2.18.2 and the latest plugin version is 1.8.1.

    Often times when you update WordPress it will take a moment to fully complete. During this process you will see a normally see a maintenance mode page or the white screen you experienced.

    If you do experience this issue in the future and suspect it to be related to Crio in any way you can use the WP Rollback plugin to rollback your plugin or theme to a previous version that worked properly until we can address the error for you.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Hispasec Sistemas,

    Thanks for reaching out although I sorry to hear you’re experiencing this issue. The is now managed by InMotion Hosting.

    You should report your case using the following links for direct correspondence:

    I hope this helps.

    Brandon C

    Hi Candace,

    When you change the options globally you are actually setting a new meta-tag site wide for that format type so all of the associated tags should change as well.

    Try clearing any cache associated with your website if you don’t notice the change right away.

    Brandon C

    Hi Tony,

    Thanks for reaching out to BoldGrid, I’m sorry to hear this happened to you. This forum is public facing and more so to answer technical questions. I encourage you to reach out to our support@boldgrid.comfor assistance in this matter.

    I hope this helps.

    in reply to: Phishing incident on BoldGrid CloudWP #77960
    Brandon C

    Hi Netcraft,

    I finally heard back from our webmasters on this matter. I was informed that the is now managed by InMotion Hosting.

    You should report your case using the following links for direct correspondence:

    I hope this helps.

    Brandon C

    Hi Kym,

    Thanks so much for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions!

    I’m sorry to hear you’re having some issues with mobile responsiveness. Post and Page Builder allows you to set conditions for which blocks and elements appear on the page, depending on the size of the screen.

    By default, all elements are visible on all devices but you can use the responsive utilities in Post and Page Builder to hide specific elements. This allows you to easily build out your WordPress site with a mobile first design approach.

    You may also benefit from reviewing this comprehensive guide on using the Post and Page Builder in general.

    If you let us know what exactly what issues you’re experiencing with mobile responsiveness and we will help you to tackle them one by one.

    I hope this helps Kym! We’re always here if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Nicolás,

    I didn’t realize the issue with the form was still ongoing. I will submit this for you as well as your other recent inquires.

    Thank you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Hispasec Sistemas,

    Thank for reaching out to report this Cloud WordPress concern. We have an Abuse Hotline that you can report this issue to directly and we will have it addressed immediately.

    We appreciate you for notifying us of this suspicious activity.

    Brandon C

    Hi Hispasec Sistemas,

    Thank for reaching out to report this Cloud WordPress concern. We have an Abuse Hotline that you can report this issue to directly and we will have it addressed immediately.

    We appreciate you for notifying us of this suspicious activity.

    in reply to: Modifying header in Crio WordPress theme #77713
    Brandon C

    Thanks Anne,

    One thing to keep in mind here is that Crio & WordPress recommends a logo image dimensions of 400 by 100 pixels. The ideal approach is to proportion your image before uploading to the site. This will give you the best results.

    What you could also do is use custom CSS to resize the image from the CSS/JS Editor. For instance something like this would change the size of the image on your homepage:

    .boldgrid-section img:not(.aligncenter) {
        display: inline;
        width: 60px;

    In order to to give pages and post specific header templates you need to edit the page or post and scroll down to the Page Header section. Select the Use Post Setting option and choose the header you would like to be displayed on that page or post.

    I hope this helps! Please link us to any page or post where your custom headers are present if you would like for us to review your code and give our best suggestions on how to modify.

    Brandon C

    Hi Linda,

    Thanks for reaching out, although I’m sorry to hear you’re having some trouble with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder. I definitely understand your frustration, and I appreciate you working with us on this.

    Post and Page Builder was built with a mobile first design approach but I think the major issue here is your TwentyTwentyOne WordPress theme which doesn’t have a dedicated Post and Page Buider integration.

    Post and Page Builder functions best with with BoldGrid themes such as Crio Pro WordPress theme which is also included as a part of your premium package for hosting with our premium partner DreamHost.

    Crio is considered a super theme and comes out of the box with over 400 customizable options. It is 100% compatible with Post and Page Builder and I believe that would resolve your issues with mobile responsiveness.

    If you decide to switch to over Crio we’ll be right here to help you configure your new theme and review your options.

    I hope this helps Linda, again we apologize for the confusion. Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Candance,

    You’re Crio Pro WordPress theme setup could be reflective of the inspiration you chose when you configured your theme.

    The good news is Crio fonts are 100% globally customizable so you can always take full control when working with fonts within your theme.

    I inspected your website and I see that you’re displaying your most recent Blog Post on your homepage. What you can do is go into your WordPress customizer and change the global setting to display “Blog Page” and Post List titles in the format of your choice.

    From your WordPress dashboard visit: Appearance > Customize > Design & Blog and from here you’ll have the option to choose either a single Blog Page or Posts List display and change the title font from the Title(s) section.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Osamn,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Total Upkeep backups and migrations plugin questions!

    For this issue you can try changing the backup zip compressor type but I can’t guarantee this will work for you.

    The best thing to do in this case would be to access your site at the server level and change the max execution time from either your .htaccess or php.ini file.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: After activating Premium #77700
    Brandon C

    You’re most certainly welcome Candance,

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Need help logging in to my WordPress website #77696
    Brandon C

    You’re very welcome Marie!

    I did notice that you’re using one of our products, W3 Total Cache and that could have been the reason for the misunderstanding.

    Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you!

    in reply to: Deleted page is still showing up on my live site #77690
    Brandon C

    Hi Patricia,

    Thanks for reaching out with your BoldGrid Post and Page Builder questions.

    The issue you’re experiencing is likely due to caching. Often times when we make changes to our website we need to clear any cache associated with the site to rebuild the database. Elements are cached into your site for performance purposes.

    Be sure to clear any caches associated with your website this includes browser cache, caching plugins and any server side caching agents you might be running.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you.

    in reply to: Need help logging in to my WordPress website #77461
    Brandon C

    Hi Marie,

    Thanks for reaching out to BoldGrid Themes home of Crio Pro WordPress theme and BoldGrid Post and Page Builder!

    Here at BoldGrid we provide quality WordPress themes and plugins but we do not manage client sites. I do apologize for the misunderstanding. I went ahead and looked up your web host and I see that you’re using GoDaddy. GoDaddy actually manages the server your WordPress site lives on so their support may be most beneficial to you on these types of matters.

    We do have an article on 5 ways to reset your WordPress password that should help you figure this out!

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Need help logging in to my WordPress website #77458
    Brandon C

    Hi Geoffrey,

    Thanks for reaching out to BoldGrid Themes home of Crio Pro WordPress theme and BoldGrid Post and Page Builder!

    We have an article on 5 ways to reset your WordPress password that should help you figure this out!

    I hope this answers your question!

    in reply to: How do I recover my website if my domain is set to expire? #77350
    Brandon C

    Hi Rajhans,

    Thank you for reaching out to BoldGrid Support, home of Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I think the best thing to do in this case would be to renew the domain name and extend your hosting plan so that no changes have to occur to your website.

    However, if you need to backup your existing WordPress site you can take a backup using our Total Upkeep backups and migrations plugin. You would just need to download the contents of the backup to your local machine or save it in a remote location.

    Once you are up and running at your new web host if you decide to make a change you can simply reinstall WordPress and Total Upkeep to upload your backup. Please review this guide on using Total Upkeep.

    I hope this helps!

    in reply to: Modifying header in Crio WordPress theme #77347
    Brandon C

    Hi Anne,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    I noticed you’re using Astra your WordPress theme. While Post and Page Builder controls many aspects of your pages and posts design, it has little to do with Global theme features such as your theme header.

    If you were using Crio Pro WordPress theme to begin with we can definitely take a look at your concerns if you don’t mind switching back temporarily.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Rose,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    So indexing is a built-in WordPress feature and you should be able to switch it on and off from the Settings > Reading section of your WordPress dashboard.

    You may however want to setup Google Search Console and a SEO plugin like Yoast or RankMath if you would like more control over how pages are indexed.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us!

    in reply to: After activating Premium #77341
    Brandon C

    Hi Candance,

    Thanks for reaching out, this is a very good question. Total Upkeep requires both the standard and premium plugin to be active to function properly.

    The premium plugin really only extends the functionality of the standard Total Upkeep backups and migrations plugin.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you.

    Brandon C

    Hi Susan,

    Thanks for reaching out, I’m sorry to hear you’re having some trouble after performing your backup with Total Upkeep.

    Good news is I inspected the URL you linked in the thread and it looks like the site is now live. The most likely cause of the temporary down time was the update process running it’s course.

    When you update WordPress core, themes, and plugins they sometimes take a bit longer to complete and will cause the site to stall out. I think you should be back up and running now. You may want to try clearing your browser cache or trying the site in an incognito browser if you’re still having issues.

    Please let us know if we can assist you further with this!

    Brandon C

    Hi Kym,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme and BoldGrid Post and Page Builder!

    In order to remove the extra padding in your content area you should be able to hover over your main section and select the black section toggle that appears to bring up options. You can scroll down a bit and simply select the “Stretch Section” option to eliminate the extra white space.

    post and page builder section controls

    You can also control the padding and margin of a section manually from the Advanced Controls option just below.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: Menu changes not updating correctly in Crio WordPress theme #77271
    Brandon C

    Hi Derian,

    Thanks for reaching out, I’m sorry to hear you’re having some issues working with your Crio Pro WordPress theme menus but let’s see if we can help you out.

    First I’ve reviewed your main menu and it seems that all menu links are readable and functional. When adjusting menu links I always suggest working in the “Menus” dashboard or your WordPress admin as opposed to directly from the customizer. Please tell us exactly what you want to see from your menu layout and I’m sure we can help get you there.

    As far as removing your hamburger menu, that is controlled from the Customizer Menu. You can navigate to Appearance > Customize > Design > Menus > Main Menu > Hamburger Styles. You can leave the option enabled for mobile and tick-off for larger displays as shown below:

    hamburger menu crio wordpress theme

    Be sure you’re modifying the correct menu as you may use a custom or pre designed menu in this location as well.

    For your issues of speed that could come down to many factors. One of the most common methods of boosting speed is by adding a caching plugin to your WordPress site. We have a great option for that our W3 Total Cache plugin which you can try completely free of charge.

    I hope this helps Derian! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you.

    Brandon C

    Hi John,

    I checked the email address you attached to the thread and I do see one cloud instance at this account and that appears to be functioning properly

    Can you review this for us? If you have multiple active account please send us the email address of the one you’re experiencing this issue on.


    in reply to: BoldGrid Cloud WordPress Error 502 and Page Not Found #77144
    Brandon C

    Hi Walter,

    Thanks for reaching out although I’m sorry to hear you’re having a bit of trouble with your BoldGrid Cloud WordPress.

    We inspected the the URL you attached to the thread and I noticed that the page itself is throwing a 404 error and thi sis related to the "The Location Does Not Exist" error.

    You also mentioned a 502 error as well as a "Are you human" Captcha, can you show us exactly where you’re seeing these two problems?

    We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you further with this!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Brandon C.
Viewing 40 posts - 801 through 840 (of 1,937 total)