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  • Brandon C

    Hi Sergio,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    It looks like the section block you are using has two columns inside of it and the map is actually positioned in the right column beside the text. If you want the map the span the entire width of the section you can remove the column with the text and place it above your map in a section of its own.

    I used this Post and Page Builder block to build a similar map. You should be able to paste this into you “Text” editor then switch back to the “Visual” editor to modify the two sections:

    Hours & Location

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu dignissim tortor, sit amet bibendum lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Mon - Fri

    9:00 - 6:00

    Sat - Sun

    12:00 - 4:00


    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have additional questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Jaro,

    Thanks for reaching out. The URL you sent seems to be a custom WordPress theme. This theme was probably built especially from scratch by a professional developer for this company. We do have our Crio Pro WordPress theme, which is our flagship WordPress theme with over 400 fully customizable options.

    Crio comes out of the box with features like “Custom Page Headers” and advanced color/text controls to make creating your theme an effortless task, and when coupled with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress your design options are truly limitless.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Thank you Mikael,

    You may have to install and configure an SEO plugin in order to get your search engine results to display you really want. You can use a plugin like Yoast SEO to accomplish this. What you need to do is set up your “Meta” information. This guide should help you install and configure Yoast SEO.

    You can always send us a screenshot using ImgBB if you would like for us to have a look at your current setup.

    I hope this helps. We look forward to assisting you further with this!

    in reply to: Embedded videos are not filling the iframes properly #48218
    Brandon C

    Hi Eliot,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    Were you able to get this issue resolved by chance? When I inspect your page it seems your embedded videos are properly sized and scaling correctly. If there’s is a specific page where this issue is present could you please direct us to the URL so we can have a look?

    We look forward to assisting you further with this if need be.

    Brandon C

    Awesome Donald! Happy you were able to get this resolved. We’re always here anytime you have question or concerns.

    in reply to: Tiny buy now button in my BoldGrid Westview theme #48213
    Brandon C

    Thanks Patrick,

    I see now where the payment button should be located, but when I inspect the page there doesn’t seem to be any code associated with the it at all. It seems there should be a “Stripe” Payments element there but there’s nothing showing in your source code.

    When did you notice this issue? Was it perhaps after an update to your WordPress core, Post and Page Builder or WooCommerce? I suspect there’s something clashing with the element and causing it not to display.

    Brandon C

    Thank you Mikael,

    You may have to install and configure an SEO plugin in order to get your search engine results to display you really want. You can use a plugin like Yoast SEO to accomplish this. What you need to do is set up your “Meta” information. This guide should help you install and configure Yoast SEO.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Brandon C.
    Brandon C

    You’re welcome Cesar! Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: Crio fonts are not publishing correctly #48144
    Brandon C

    Awesome Cal! I’m so happy to hear you were able to get this resolved! Keep in mind we’re always here to help if you ever get stuck in the future!

    in reply to: Crio fonts are not publishing correctly #48141
    Brandon C

    Hi Cal,

    I definitely understand your concern. Being that you’re a Web Host Hub customer you do have access to our BoldGrid Premium Support. You can reach out to us there with your concern and give us permission to log into your site and address the issue head on.

    We can definitely provide more support there. Hope to hear from your soon!

    in reply to: Tiny buy now button in my BoldGrid Westview theme #48137
    Brandon C

    Hi Patrick,

    I apologize we must have missed your last response somehow. I just inspected the URL that you sent and I still do not see the tiny “buy now” button as described. I’ve checked in desktop as well as mobile browsers and all I see is a normal sized “Add to Cart” button. Have you already resolved this issue or is there a different page that you would like for us to inspect?

    If you’re looking to upgrade themes in the future you should consider Crio Pro WordPress theme! Crio is our flagship WordPress theme and it comes out of the box with over 400 customizable controls and feature options. It also ensures 100% compatibility with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress so swapping out your content is simple and easy.

    Again we do apologize for missing your last response and hope to hear from you soon.

    Brandon C

    Hmm…Maybe try refreshing your permalinks from from your WordPress dashboard Settings<<Permalinks. All you need to do is scroll down and click save changes in that dashboard.

    Brandon C

    My apologies Donald! Something like this should change the post archive background color:

    .palette-primary.category .site-content {
    background: black !important;

    Let us know if you have any issues!

    Brandon C

    Hi Cesar,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    In order to deactivate the “sticky header” menu feature you need to navigate to Appearance<<Design<<Header<<Sticky Header Layout<<Select Layout and switch the “Sticky Header” toggle to “Off”.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out to us if you have any other questions.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Donald,

    I inspected your code and came up with some CSS that should change the post-category list colors in your sidebar. Try replacing the first snippet I sent you with this bit:

    .sidebar .widget .nav a {
    	color: #fff !important

    I hope this helps to resolve your issue.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Donald,

    I inspected your code and came up with some CSS that should change the post-category list colors in your sidebar. Try replacing the first snippet I sent you with this bit:

    .sidebar .widget .nav a {
    	color: #fff !important

    I hope this helps to resolve your issue.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Donald,

    I inspected your code and came up with some CSS that should change the post-category list colors in your sidebar. Try replacing the first snippet I sent you with this bit:

    .sidebar .widget .nav a {
    color: #fff !important

    I hope this helps to resolve your issue.

    in reply to: Crio fonts are not publishing correctly #48110
    Brandon C

    Thanks Cal,

    I spun up a replica of your Crio setup in a dev environment and I was able to include the “Audiowide” font in my content from the page editor. To accomplish this I selected the text block that needed to be changed then selected the “Text” Icon and set the “Font Family” to “Audiowide”.

    post and page builder font control

    Also be sure to publish your page after editing to make your changes appear live.

    Here is a guide on working with menus in Crio that should help you get familiar with how to maneuver around the menu dashboard.

    I hope I’ve answered all your questions!

    Brandon C

    Hi Elliot,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    Crio Pro comes with the BoldGrid Inspirations plugin, which on install will take you through a series of prompts to help set up your website. One of these prompts will allow you to chose from a list of pre-designed templates in order to populate your site with demo data. This allows you to hop in and switch the content with your own to get your website up and running quickly.

    “Crio” does have to be installed and activated in order to run “Inspirations”, but you could have a fully populated site in less than 5 minutes with its site builder tools. You can download the Inspirations plugin from your BoldGrid Central dashboard under “Plugins”.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other question for us.

    in reply to: How do I add my own templates to Crio WordPress theme? #48103
    Brandon C

    Hi Lawrence,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    There a few different ways to add third party code to Crio. You can create a custom HTML block inside of the page editor to add HTML, then use the CSS/JS Editor inside of the WordPress Customizer to style your content with CSS.

    The best way to go about adding new template files would be to download and install a plugin like Code Snippets and add your code there. That way you can easily keep track of your template files and reuse them on multiple pages and posts types.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: Crio fonts are not publishing correctly #48080
    Brandon C

    Hi Cal,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    If the fonts are displaying correctly in the page editor but not on your live site you should try clearing any cache associated with your website, that includes browser cache and server-side cache.

    When I inspect the site I see an “Open Sans” font is running site wide. Are you trying to add the “Audiowide” text from a text control inside of a block or by using custom CSS?

    I hope this helps. We look forward to assisting you further with this!

    Brandon C

    Hi Cheryl,

    Thank you for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress

    I’m sorry to hear you’re are experiencing this issue and I want you to know that this is a bug that has been identified and set to be corrected in the upcoming “Post and Page Builder 1.17.1” release.

    If you do not wish to wait for the patch release there is a workaround. You can download and install WP Rollback to rollback to a previous version of post and page builder to restore functionality that way.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Q,

    OK I see you’re using the Pavilion theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress. It looks like you’re actually page content is still laid out correctly and that’s a good thing. Have you updated either recently? Or your WordPress core? If so, try using WP Rollback to rollback to a previous version where the Post and Page builder functionality was working properly.

    I wanted to ask, did you notice this issue only on a singular page or is it present on all pages and posts in your theme?

    Brandon C

    Hi Monty,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using the Vacation theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with this. WordPress released a featured in the 5.7 update that did away with traditional widgets and replaced them with a Gutenberg-like editor. You can try using a plugin like Classic Widgets to restore the original widget functionality. Hopefully this allows you to reincorporate your CTA widget.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Q,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    Sorry to hear your having problems viewing your visual editor. Often times when issues like this arise it’s due to a recent update or lack there of causing certain elements to clash. We would like to look more directly into this issue. Could you send us the URL of you website so that we can inspect a bit closer?

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Roz,

    Try checking the “Trash” in both the Page and Posts sections of your dashboard to see if the page may have been deleted somehow. You should also check the “Block Library” section of your dashboard by hovering over “Post and Page Builder” and selecting “Block Library”. It’s possible your page may have been been saved as a template in this library.

    If it has been deleted from the website completely the only way to recoup it would be to restore the page from a backup if you have one available. You could check with your web host Web Hosting Hub to see if they have a recent backup available that might possibly restore this page.

    Brandon C

    Hi Roz,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    One easy way to find your “edit” page is to navigate to “Pages” from your WordPress dashboard, then select “All Pages” and search for your page there.

    If you do not see the page in your “Pages” section be sure to check your “Posts” section as well, as you may have created it as a posts by mistake.

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: Bold Timeline Stopped Saving #48029
    Brandon C

    Hi JJ,

    I believe we actually did reach out to you here on the day you initially contacted us. This was the answer to that thread:

    Hi Josh,

    Thanks for reaching out. I’m afraid you’ve reached BoldGrid Themes but you’re actually in search of Bold Themes. They are the creators of the Bold Timeline plugin you’re having trouble with.

    Our products include Crio Pro WordPress themePost and Page Builder for WordPress. We do apologize for the confusion.

    Do reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: Notice of PHP issue after BoldGrid Update #48026
    Brandon C

    Hi Marianne,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Cobalt theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    From the look of your error message it seems the site is trying to pull an image file from the database that no longer exist. You can contact InMotion Support and have them to remove this file completely home/codegi5/public_html/wp-includes/media.php on line 1676 and it should resolve your issue.

    I think you’re actually getting the error message because you have WP_debug switched on. InMotion should be able to help you remove that from your cPanel as well.

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Nan,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Diced WordPress theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder.

    My first theory is your issue is most likely due to a recent update, either with the WordPress core itself or your WooCommerce plugin. Your Diced theme is considered one of our legacy themes and no longer receives the updates to keep up with ever changing WordPress and WooCommerce standards.

    With that being said it could be extremely difficult to rearrange your elements without using at least some CSS. You could try using a plugin like WP Rollback to rollback a suspected conflicting plugin, theme, or WordPress core to a previous version to hopefully resolve the issue.

    You are a DreamHost client so that means you have access to our Premium Support. You are more that welcome to reach out there where you can give us permission to log into your site directly and give our best effort to address your concerns.

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Daniele,

    I definitely understand you’re diligently searching for a solutions for this. If you could switch to the “text” editor tab from your page builder and copy all the code you see there and paste it here in the forum we could take a look at the code directly and offer you a solution.

    Then we could send you that HTML right back so that you can plug it into your site.

    Brandon C

    You’re so welcome Lisa!

    Sure you can use the background tool without adding an image. You can add a single background color or gradient to your section instead of an image and you’ll have the ability to add text and structure to each section to style your website exactly the way you want.

    You can follow this guide on working with backgrounds in BoldGrid Post and Page Builder to help you familiarize yourself with adding different functionalities to your “Post and Page Builder” backgrounds.

    I hope this helps. We look forward to assisting you further with this if need be.

    Brandon C

    Hi Daniele,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    From what I can tell it looks like your background image is set as a column and therefore not spanning the width the entire screen like you would like on larger screens. The image size seems to fit smaller screen sizes but gains more padding as the screen grows larger.

    If you could switch to the “text” editor tab from your page builder and copy all the code you see there and paste it here in the forum we could take a look at the code directly and offer you a solution. If you feel comfortable sorting this out yourself you should be able to follow this guide on working with backgrounds in BoldGrid Post and Page Builder.

    I hope this helps. We look forward to assisting you further with this if need be.

    Brandon C

    Hi Daniele,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    From what I can tell it looks like your background image is set as a column and therefore not spanning the width the entire screen like you would like on larger screens. The image size seems to fit smaller screen sizes but gains more padding as the screen grows larger.

    If you could switch to the “text” editor tab from your page builder and copy all the code you see there and paste it here in the forum we could take a look at the code directly and offer you a solution. If you feel comfortable sorting this out yourself you should be able to follow this guide on working with backgrounds in BoldGrid Post and Page Builder.

    I hope this helps. We look forward to assisting you further with this if need be.

    Brandon C

    Hi RP,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    Instead of using the blue “Add Block” button. Try clicking the “Blank Page” option, then click the plus icon to add bring up the native blocks. You can add text and HTML directly to the page at any time.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Sharicita,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    Both of your request can be accomplished with Custom Page Headers. With Custom page headers you will have the ability to position your header elements with the same drag and drop functionality as the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder.

    You can also easily select the entire header section and add gradients or images to your header background. To make that easier we have an article on working with sections in Post and Page builder that I think will be very helpful.

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Donald,

    We can’t take any login information in this forum here. You would need access to our Premium Support.

    Is there a way that you can push the changes to live so that we can inspect them?

    Brandon C

    Hi Donald,

    Thanks for your question, you may be able to use something like:

    .wp-block-categories-list .wp-block-categories .nav{
    color: #1aa7ec !important;

    It’s very hard to tell without the actually page URL which we can use to find the selectors. Callaway theme is considered one of our legacy theme and is nowhere near as feature rich as our flagship Crio Pro WordPress theme which you would use to easily make these adjustments, it’s also 100% compatible with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder. I just wanted to make you aware of “Crio” in the case you were interested in a more workable solution.

    I hope this snippet works for you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Donald,

    Thanks for your question, you may be able to use something like .wp-block-categories-list .wp-block-categories .nav{
    color: #1aa7ec !important;

    It’s very hard to tell without the actually page URL which we can use to find the selectors. Callaway theme is considered one of our legacy theme and is nowhere near as feature rich as our flagship Crio Pro WordPress theme which you would use to easily make these adjustments, it’s also 100% compatible with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder. I just wanted to make you aware of “Crio” in the case you were interested in a more workable solution.

    I hope this snippet works for you!

    in reply to: Bold Timeline Plugin Stopped Saving #47952
    Brandon C

    Hi Josh,

    Thanks for reaching out. I’m afraid you’ve reached BoldGrid Themes but you’re actually in search of Bold Themes. They are the creators of the Bold Timeline plugin you’re having trouble with.

    Our products include Crio Pro WordPress themePost and Page Builder for WordPress. We do apologize for the confusion.

    Do reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

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