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  • Brandon C

    Hi sorry to hear that Gary.

    The best thing to do is this situation is to reach out to your web host InMotion Hosting for assistance on getting back into the site.

    There is really not much we can do in situations like these as we are only a theme and plugin provider. An inquiry such as this would have to be made directly with the hosting company that owns your server space.

    We wish you the best of luck. Please let us know if there is anything else we can answer for you.

    in reply to: How to replace a video on my website #47609
    Brandon C

    Hi Larry,

    Thanks for reaching out, and thanks for using Swifty WordPress theme along with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder!

    In order to change the video on a webpage you need to find the page you want to edit and click “Edit Page”. Find the video you wish to update, hover over it and you should see a pencil icon appear. Click the pencil icon to bring up the video options. From there you’ll have the ability to change you video using a link, or a video that you already have present in your media gallery.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can answer for you.

    in reply to: How do I correctly sort Post List from oldest to newest? #47607
    Brandon C

    Hi Peter,

    Thank you for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    If your elements are displaying correctly in the editor and not on the live website I suspect caching may be the reason for this. You should clear all cache associated with your website including browser cache, and any server side cache. Often times when we make frequent changes to our websites elements get cached into the database for performance purposes and it can cause the old element to display live even after it has been changed or removed.

    I see that you’re using the Ultra WordPress theme and not one of our recommended BoldGrid themes like Crio Pro WordPress theme. There is always a possibility that your theme already has these post view functionalities built into it. You may want to contact the theme developer to inquire about that.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out to us if there’s anything else we can answer for you.

    in reply to: How can delete a backup from Total Upkeep dashboard? #47604
    Brandon C

    Hi Farhad,

    Thanks for reach out with your questions about Total Upkeep. Total Upkeep should actually translate into most languages. If you’re having trouble with this you can use a plugin like WPML to easily translate Total Upkeep to the language you desire.

    As far as deleting backup from the dashboard you need to visit Total Upkeep<<Backups, find the file you wish to remove then select “View Details“. In the right-hand sidebar of this page beside the blue “Update” button there is an option to Delete backup. Just hit that link and follow the prompt to delete your backup archive file.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if there is anything else we can answer for you.

    in reply to: How do I delete my account? #47600
    Brandon C

    Hi Maria,

    Thank you for reaching out. Your BoldGrid account is only associated with our BoldGrid plugins and themes. In order to remove your account simply Uninstall all BoldGrid products from your WordPress dashboard under plugins and/or themes. I see you have a basic connect key provided by your hosting company (InMotion), but that is included with all InMotion plans because they are one of our premium partners.

    If you wish to delete your website altogether you’ll need to reach out to InMotion Hosting or follow this guide to learn how to do so yourself.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: When is the next GridOne update? #47579
    Brandon C

    Hi Elisabeth,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using GridOne WordPress theme. GridOne is considered one of our legacy themes and therefore is no longer updated and maintained to the most current WordPress standards.

    The templates and functionality of GridOne have been incorporated into our flagship Crio Pro WordPress theme. With Crio you can be assured the theme is updated according to the latest WordPress guidelines and it will remove the outdated theme notification being produced by WooCommerce. If you decide to switch over to Crio you can keep your content design as it integrates seamlessly with Post and Page builder.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions.

    Brandon C

    Hi Gary,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using the BoldGrid Hydra theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress.

    The best way to log in to your site is to go directly through your WordPress dashboard. In your case you would follow this link to do so Once you get to the login page if you need to reset your email address just click the “Forgot Password” option to have a password reset link sent to your email.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Stephany,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    I think your design issue is coming from your theme itself. Accomplishing full width image design may require adding some custom CSS to make your images full-bleed. I see you are using the Auliettalite WordPress theme. I’m not too familiar with this theme but I suggest reaching out to the developer directly to inquire on the best way to create full-width images with their theme. Our Post and Page builder plugin works best with our BoldGrid themes, which includes our flagship Crio Pro WordPress theme! Crio integrates seamlessly with Post and Page builder and it also includes over 400 customizable options to help take your design process to the next level!

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Minna,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Boldgrid Inspirations question. We do not have an official inspiration for no profits. But you can use any inspiration as a base for your template. You’ll have full control over colors, buttons, content, headers and footers so it should be pretty easy to add your images and text and make any Inspiration your own.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: Web Accelerator Software #47548
    Brandon C

    Hi Dmitriy,

    Thank you for reaching out. I just want to be sure I’m understanding you correctly, are you looking for an optimization plugin to run on your WordPress website? If so we can answer any question you may have about W3 Total Cache our all in one WordPress performance tool, right here in the forum.

    Or you can click the link above to learn more about our W3 Total Cache. I hope this helps. Please reach back out with your questions and/or concerns.

    in reply to: No text shows in my Navigation Menu #47491
    Brandon C

    Awesome Corrine! I’m happy you guys were able to get that resolved fairly easily. Please don’t hesitate to reach back out if you ever have questions or concerns. We are always here to help!

    in reply to: Can I use Total Upkeep Premium on Unlimited Websites? #47488
    Brandon C

    Hi Benoit,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Total Upkeep Premium concern. I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble but I can assure you that the Total Upkeep can be used on unlimited websites as long as you are the website owner and not using the plugin for a third party.

    If you would like a refund, you can reach out to our Premium Support and we’ll take care of that for you.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if there are any other questions we can answer for you.

    in reply to: No text shows in my Navigation Menu #47468
    Brandon C

    Thanks Corrine,

    It definitely seems like your navigation items are inheriting a property of some sort that’s causing them to display this way. Has this always been the case or is this a fairly recent issue? You may benefit from clearing all cache associated with your website (including browser cache and server side cache). Lots of times when changes are made, website elements get cached into the database and need to be purged in order for them to display correctly.

    If you’ve already attempted this go ahead and reach out to our Premium Support forum for further assistance. You’re a DreamHost customer so you get our premium service free of charge. In premium support we’ll be able to log directly into your site and take a closer look at the issue.

    I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: No text shows in my Navigation Menu #47465
    Brandon C

    Hi Corinne,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I inspected your website and it looks like your navigation menu is nested inside of the social media icon in your page header. When you visit the menu area from Appearance<<Menus do you see your top level menu items nested under the social media icon there as well? If so you can drag the sub-level menu items to the left to make them top level items. If you can send a screenshot of your Menus dashboard we can take a look.

    I hope this helps.

    Brandon C

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme! It’s not always easy to incorporate sourced CSS/JS files directly through the WordPress Customizer.

    If you have everything setup correctly and the native CSS is just overriding your custom CSS it might help to add the !important tag after your element call ex:

    font-family: "sketch-block !important";

    You may also want to try running your CSS through a plugin like Code Snippets instead of the using the Customizer CSS/JS options. You’d also want to address the Src file to be sure the CSS is pulling from the correct place.

    I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Brandon C.
    Brandon C

    Hi Franklin,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme along with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder!

    Are you sure you have access to the Premium Connect Key that’s needed for the Pro versions of Crio and Post & Page Builder? If so, you can obtain it from the Connect Keys section of your BoldGrid Central dashboard.

    If you’ve accessed the Premium Connect Key this way and it’s just not registering on your website you should reach out to our Premium Support forum for further assistance.

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Ashiru,

    Thanks for reaching out with your question about Total Upkeep backups and migrations plugin. You can restore a archived backup of your website only if you have already taken a backup from a sure restoration point. You can follow this guide to learn more about how to restore a backup with Total Upkeep.

    Just inspecting your site, it looks like your content is still present. It’s possible it could be a caching issue. Before actually restoring a backup you should confirm this. In order to check try clearing any cache associated with your website. That includes browser cache, server side cache, and any onsite caching agents you may be running. It’s a chance that elements are cached into these databases and they need to be purged.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: Gallery No Longer Allows Drag And Drop Reordering Of Images #47424
    Brandon C

    You’re so welcome Betsy,

    5.9 was just released on Jan 25th and as of right now there’s no definite release date for 5.9.1 that I’m aware of. I would imagine since it’s such a major release it’s undergoing extensive rounds of post release testing. You should probably expect 5.9.1 in the next 30 – 60 days.

    I’m happy your workaround at least gives you the functionality you need for now. Don’t hesitate to reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: The Mobile Version of My Website is Not Formatted Correctly. #47410
    Brandon C

    Hi Nick,

    I definitely understand your dilemma and I wish I could tell you there was a true quick fix for this that would not require you addressing the issue on a page by page basis.

    Because of the shear amount of tables and text content on your site formatting may require great knowledge of CSS how to set up Media Query break points to accomplish this, and even then you will more than likely have to go in and tweak each page a little here and there.

    The best route in my opinion would still be to go back and update each page this time using a mobile first approach. With BoldGrid Post and Page Builder you can preview your page in any screen size while editing to help you place your elements correctly.

    device icons in the post and page builder

    Let us know if you have any other questions for us Nick. Were always here to help.

    in reply to: Gallery No Longer Allows Drag And Drop Reordering Of Images #47402
    Brandon C

    Thanks Betsy,

    Disregard the screenshot, that was only for the purpose of viewing your interface to narrow down the problem based on the gallery control layout. I did some digging and I found that this issue was discovered after the recent WordPress 5.9 update.

    It appears the problem is being caused by deprecated jQuery UI Sortable library. The issue has already been addressed and will be included in the WordPress 5.9.1 release. You could use WP Rollback to rollback to WordPress 5.8.3, which is the last confirmed release that where the feature was functioning properly. Or, continue to use your workaround until the problem is addressed in the upcoming release, so as to keep your site at the latest version.

    I hope this answers your questions.

    in reply to: Is it possible to add a messenger link to Crio? #47396
    Brandon C

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for reaching out. Yes it’s totally possible to add a messenger link to Crio Pro WordPress theme! Better yet you could use a plugin like “Facebook Chat Plugin“, for instance, if you wanted to install the Facebook messenger on your WordPress site.

    This is just one example of the many messenger plugins you can add via plugin to your WordPress site. Most major messenger brands should have some sort of representation in the WordPress Repository. It would be up to you to decide which one would function best for whatever you need to accomplish.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: background #47393
    Brandon C

    Hi Dennis,

    Thank you for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    Crio works synonymously with our our page builder tool BoldGrid Post and Page Builder. With Post and page builder you have the ability to edit each page individually. From your dashboard select pages section and find the page you want to update, then click “edit” to access the page editor.

    You can change the background image of a section by hovering over the section and using the “DropTab” to change the background for whatever section, row, or column that you’re working with.

    change background post and page builder

    Using the “background” tab you’ll have control over background images, colors, animations and so on. I hope this helps!

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out to us if you have any other questions.

    in reply to: Gallery No Longer Allows Drag And Drop Reordering Of Images #47350
    Brandon C

    Hi Betsy,

    I understand it can be confusing, Astra is a separate theme developer and they are not required to stay up to date with our BoldGrid version updates and patch releases. BoldGrid themes are customized/certified for BoldGrid compatibility. We always recommend using a BoldGrid certified theme in order to take advantage of BoldGrid’s full suite of plugins and features.

    The WP Rollback approach should only be used if you suspect that the issue began after an update to a theme, plugin, or WordPress itself. The primary purpose of this approach is to identify what may be causing the issue and troubleshooting from there.

    Could you send us a screenshot of your issue in its current state? We may be able to give you better suggestions on how to correct the gallery formatting. Are you using a native BoldGrid block to generate your gallery or are you using a different plugin for this functionality?

    Hopefully this clears some things up for you. We look forward to answering any further questions.

    in reply to: The Mobile Version of My Website is Not Formatted Correctly. #47329
    Brandon C

    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for your question, Crio Pro WordPress theme should be configured for responsive mobile design right out of the box. BoldGrid designs are built with a CSS framework called Bootstrap, which is a “mobile-first” framework. This means the framework itself was made specifically to prioritize mobile responsiveness.

    You mentioned you just pushed your website live. Did you notice this issues being present in your dev environment as well, or did you only notice the problem after the site was pushed live? If the latter is the case it’s possible that you lost some content or configuration during transfer.

    I tested your site on a few different mobile browsers and I do see exactly what you mean. I always suggest building with a mobile first approach and then scaling the design up for larger screen sizes. This way you ensure that you keep the original vision that you imagined for your entire site intact.

    I hope this helps! We look forward to answering all of your questions if you need further assistance.

    in reply to: Gallery No Longer Allows Drag And Drop Reordering Of Images #47325
    Brandon C

    Hi Betsy,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    I think your issue may be a functionality one. I see that you’re using the Astra theme which was not built to be compatible with our BoldGrid themes. If you recently deactivated Crio Pro WordPress theme or one of our other BoldGrid themes then that would explain your issue. If that’s the case simply restore your previous BoldGrid theme to restore those functionalities.

    It’s also possible that a recent update to WordPress, Post & Page Builder, or even your Astra theme itself may have caused this issue. If you think the issue is a result of something like that you can use a plugin like WP Rollback to rollback any update and restore the previous versions functionality.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: How do I add a share button to my social media options? #47322
    Brandon C

    Hi Goda,

    Thanks for your question on how to activate a social share button in your Crio Pro WordPress theme.

    Are you using a plugin to add the share button functionality? If so you may want to check that the plugin is installed, activated and properly configured. I always use the Sassy Social Share plugin to accomplish this on my websites. If you don’t already have this plugin installed it may be an easier alternative to what you are currently running.

    Could you direct us the URL where this functionality should be present? That way we can take a look at the issue more directly and hopefully offer you a better solution on how to troubleshoot your issue.

    Please reach back out to us if you’re unable to resolve your issue.

    Brandon C

    Hi Goda,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    The best way to accomplish this is probably going to be to add the subscription button directly into the header or footer of your Crio theme. That way the button is visible no matter where your users land on your website.

    You could go about this by adding a Custom Page Header Template. That way you have full control over how and where the button is displayed in your header. Our custom page header functionality allows you to build custom page header with the same drag and drop features as our BoldGrid Post and Page Builder. You can also create a custom footer template using similar method.

    I hope this helps to resolve your request. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Brandon C

    So happy that worked for you Jason! Don’t hesitate to reach back out if you ever have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hey Jason,

    Yes, I see what you mean here. Try going in to the CSS/JSjQuery to the JS section to see if it resolves your issue.

    jQuery('#masthead-sticky .boldgrid-section .s47').removeClass('col-md-6, col-lg-6').addClass('col-md-4, col-lg-4');
    jQuery('#masthead-sticky .boldgrid-section .s48').removeClass('col-md-6, col-lg-6').addClass('col-md-8, col-lg-8');

    We actually have a solid resolution for this problem, it’ll be addressed in a future update.

    Let us know if this helps!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Brandon C.
    in reply to: Site dashboard loading slower after installing Total Upkeep #47299
    Brandon C

    No problem Mohammed,

    Don’t hesitate to reach back out if you have any other questions for us!

    Brandon C

    Hi Jason,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!
    If you’ve already tried using the Site Header Layout controls (Design<<Header<<Sticky Header Layout<<Select Layout) in the customizer, you could next try using a Custom Page Header Template to accomplish your task.

    Custom page headers give you the ability to build out custom headers using the same drag and drop capabilities as the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder. It comes out of the box with 6 custom page header templates already created. One of those may give you the design functionality that you’re looking for.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: Site dashboard loading slower after installing Total Upkeep #47283
    Brandon C

    Thanks Mohammed,

    Yes, we can take a look into this for you. Since you’re a Dreamhost customer you can reach out to our premium support forum where we’ll have the ability to log in and address your issue directly.

    in reply to: Hoping for a walkthrough on BoldGrid Premium #47275
    Brandon C

    Hi Neil,

    Thank you for reaching out and thanks for your interest in Total Upkeep Backups and Migrations plugin and our other BoldGrid products.

    If I’m understanding correctly, you would like a walk-through on how to setup your BoldGrid Central account and install our flagship Crio Pro WordPress theme along with the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder page editor? Is that correct?

    If so, you can get started by logging in to your BoldGrid Central account where you can setup your account and download all of our premium plugins.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have specific questions about getting your account up and running.

    in reply to: Site dashboard loading slower after installing Total Upkeep #47263
    Brandon C

    Hi Mohammed,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Total Upkeep Backups and Migrations plugin for WordPress! It’s possible that Total Upkeep is taxing on your server resources with your current configuration. It may require contacting your web host and having them to increase your limits, especially if you’re attempting to back up or transfer a larger site.

    Could you include the URL to your website in your reply? We would like to take a look at your website structure, that will allow us to better determine the cause of your performance issue.

    I hope this helps! We look forward to taking a deeper look into this with you.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Lance,

    Something’s definitely off here. It looks like those are all simple weekly crons. It could possibly have something to do with information getting crossed during the failed Google Drive authentication.

    If you don’t mind I’m going to have you reach out to our premium support with this issue. You can tag this thread so you don’t have to explain as much. Be sure to include a link to your website in your support request.

    I hope this helps get this issue resolved in a timely manor.

    in reply to: I can’t get back into the Post and Page Builder editor #47247
    Brandon C

    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    Sorry you’re having trouble with this, it can be a bit confusing at first. When you reactivate the native WordPress editor it doesn’t have the functionality to switch back to Post and Page Builder from that interface. What you should do is click the three dots in the upper right (outlined in red below) to show more, then under plugins you should see the option to switch back to the PPB editor.

    choose Post and Page Builder to edit page

    We have an article you can follow along with if you would like more information on choosing a preferred page editor.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Cheryl,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I want you to know that Crio, BoldGrid Post and Page Builder and all of our other products have been thoroughly tested for functionality with WordPress 5.9. You should feel comfortable updating, however if you do find that anything seems out of place on your site after updating use a plugin like WP Rollback to roll WordPress back to its previous version and contact us immediately so that we can report and resolve your issue.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions for us!

    Brandon C

    Hi Lance,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Total Upkeep Backups and Migrations plugin for WordPress!

    Could you run the Preflight Check and send us the list of cron jobs under the Cron section there.

    preflight check cron section

    There could be an errant scheduled event under either Cron jobs or WP Cron jobs that wasn’t removed. If it’s a regular cron then it will likely need to be removed from your web server configuration directly, but if its under “WP Cron” then you could use the WP Crontrol plugin to target it specifically and remove it.

    I hope this helps. We look forward to receiving your Preflight Check!

    Brandon C

    Hi Tori,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    WordPress has a built in functionality that allows you to pin post to the top of your blog. In order to accomplish this visit the Posts page from your dashboard, hover over the post you’d like to add to the top of your blog and click Quick Edit.

    You’ll see a check box that reads: “Make this post sticky“, check that and the post will begin to display at the top of your blog.

    sticky post option

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Ben,

    Okay lets take a look at your footer. I didn’t see your website linked in the thread anywhere. Can you send us the URL to your so we can check it out. I’m sure we can provide you with some CSS to get the positioning situated.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

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