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  • in reply to: TikTok Icon does not work for Pavilion WordPress theme #47836
    Brandon C

    That’s awesome Crystal!

    I’m so happy to hear you were able to get everything functioning properly. Please don’t hesitate to reach back out if you have any other questions for us in the future!

    in reply to: I’m unable to sort photos when I edit a photo gallery #47833
    Brandon C

    That’s awesome Randy! It looks like the WordPress update was the culprit. I’m happy to hear you were able to get this resolved.

    in reply to: Easy SEO is not registering content #47830
    Brandon C

    Hi Hayley,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Easy SEO for WordPress!

    The SEO metrics in “Easy SEO” are directly tied to specific meta data in specific posts locations. Could you send us a screen shot of your metrics using ImgBB along with the URL to the page it correlates with? That way we can inspect the page along with the metrics and give our best suggestions on how to get everything functioning properly.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    in reply to: Can not upload video files #47825
    Brandon C

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    Sorry you’re having issues uploading media files to your website. This is usually due to a server side limitation that involves increasing your maximum file upload size.

    Your web host InMotion Hosting has on great article (linked above) on how to do just that. After increasing your upload_max_filesize you should have no problem uploading your media files to your WordPress site.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: Website Loading Slow According to Page Speed Insights #47793
    Brandon C

    You’re very welcome Diana,

    All WordPress themes are built in a way that allows for other plugins and integrations to hook into them and extend the functionality of the theme. Because of this no matter which WordPress thee you run thee will always be some amount of unused CSS and JS. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s harmful to your site but performance tools will detect the unused code.

    I’m not too familiar with Wp Super Cache and its features but most caching plugins allow excluding, deferring and asynchronizing CSS and JavScript. It’s also possible to accomplish this with a plugin like Autoptimize.

    I would start by searching the WP Super Cache support forums to see how others went about handling this task with the plugin. You can also reach out to the developers directly in support forum.

    in reply to: I’m unable to sort photos when I edit a photo gallery #47784
    Brandon C

    Hi Randy,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    Often times when issues suddenly arise it’s tied to another recent change on the site. Have you recently installed or deactivated any plugins? You sometimes noticed these issues after an update or they could also indicate the need to update. Did you notice the issue after updating your Crio theme, a plugin, or WordPress itself?

    If you can you send us the URL to the gallery page you’re having trouble with, it’s possible we can inspect the page and find some clues as to why this is happening.

    I hopes this helps! We look forward to assisting you further with this if need be.

    Brandon C

    Hi Minna,

    Thanks for reaching out and many thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder!

    Unfortunately, at this time none of our plugins or themes provide a built in counter widget functionality, but since your website is built on the WordPress core you have the ability to install a wide variety of third party plugins that should be able to help you get the functionality you need.

    Here’s a plugin in the public WordPress repository, Counter Number (, which seems like it might give you the functionality you need.

    Hopefully you are able to use that plugin or locate a more suitable one to achieve your design goals. Please let us know if there is anything else that we can do to assist you!

    in reply to: How To Change Link Hover Color in Callaway WordPress Theme? #47778
    Brandon C

    That’s awesome Donald! So happy to hear you were able to get this resolved. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions or concerns in the future!

    in reply to: TikTok Icon does not work for Pavilion WordPress theme #47775
    Brandon C

    Hi Crystal,

    Thanks so much for reaching out and thanks for using Pavilion WordPress theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder.

    I replicated your issue using Pavilion and if you’ve followed the guide step by step there’s one last thing you need to do. Navigate to the WordPress customizer Appearance<<Customize<<Advanced<<Custom JS & CSS and add this bit of jQuery to the Custom Theme JS section:


    Be sure to remove the forward slashes “//” so the code is not commented out.

    As far as adding the YouTube and Instagram Icons you can incorporate them the same way you would with Facebook and Twitter, create a new custom menu link and link it to the home URL of each respective site. Make sure the “Navigation Label” and “Title Attribute” are correctly named after whatever platform you’re attempting to add.

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: Crio theme custom sticky header disappears on mobile #47753
    Brandon C

    That’s awesome Mark!

    I’m so happy to hear you were able to get your hamburger toggle issue resolved! We’ve received your premium ticket and we will address the sticky header there.

    in reply to: How To Change Link Hover Color in Callaway WordPress Theme? #47750
    Brandon C

    Thanks Donald,

    My apologies I think I may have given you the wrong syntax. Try using:

    .palette-primary .entry-content a:hover {
         font-weight: 600 !important; 
         color: #faf2df;

    Let us know if this works for you!

    in reply to: How To Change Link Hover Color in Callaway WordPress Theme? #47745
    Brandon C

    Hi Donald,

    Thanks for reaching out, and thanks for using Callaway theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    Instead of the general a:hover lets get a little more specific. Try using:

    palette-primary a:hover {
         font-weight: 600 !important; 
         color: #faf2df;

    Hopefully selecting the primary link color in a more direct manor will help you resolve your issue. Please reach back out if you need further assistance with this.

    in reply to: Crio theme custom sticky header disappears on mobile #47735
    Brandon C

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I’m having a hard time getting your html to register so that I can try replicating your issue. It would be a great help if you could reach out to our Premium Support forum where you can provide us with direct access to your website to allow us to address the issue more directly.

    As for the hamburger menu icon it is specifically tied to the first color in your color palette but you can use the CSS/JS Editor section of the WordPress customizer to selected the hamburger icon and style it that way. For example if you wanted your Hamburger Toggle to appear green you could use this bit of CSS:

    .main-menu-btn .hamburger-inner:before {
    color: green !important;

    I hope this helps. We look forward to hearing from you in the Premium Support queue!

    in reply to: Website Loading Slow According to Page Speed Insights #47731
    Brandon C

    Hi Diana,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I inspected your website in Page Speed Insights and GTmetrix. It looks like your site is structured well and the major recommendations involve setting up a content delivery network (CDN), Image Optimization, and eliminating some problematic JavaScript.

    You definitely want to pay attention to the recommendations these services provide. They will typically help you isolate elements of the site that might be taking a while to load. One thing I particularly noticed is you do not have anything in place to handle caching. Your website will load faster once the various resources are cached both on the server and in the users browser. We recommend using W3 Total Cache to handle caching on our BoldGrid sites but there are many different options.

    I highly recommend going through this article on optimizing WordPress, it was written by the good folks over at InMotion Hosting and provides some useful information on how to improve website performance. The suggestions include turning on gzip – which should be available in your cPanel account under “Optimize Webite”. Then review the recommendations of Gtmetrix for further optimizations.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Thanks Lisa,

    To make things easier could you could send us the URL of your website we can take a at your issue directly? It sounds like you have uploaded the image correctly and may just need to adjust the padding or margin around it.

    Brandon C

    Hi Patrick,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Westview theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    I inspected your site and it looks like you may have already got this issue resolved. WooCommerce has its own CSS selectors that you can style in the CSS/JS Editor section of the WordPress Customizer.

    Please let us know if you’re still in need of any assistance with this.

    in reply to: How Do I Customize Buttons in my BoldGrid Theme? #47712
    Brandon C

    Thanks Rob,

    I inspected your web page and I think I found the CSS selector for your “Add to Cart” button. To remove the button altogether you could go into your CSS/JS Editor from the customizer and add:

    .palette-primary.woocommerce-page ul.products li.product a.btn {
    display: none;

    You should also be able to use this same selector to add styling to your button if you wish to do so.

    I hope this helps!

    Brandon C

    Hi Chloe,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    More often than not, the cause of this type of error is caching. What happens is, site elements are cached into the database for performance purposes so when you make changes (especially frequent changes), you’d want to clear all cache associated with your site after each update. This includes browser cache, server side cache, and plugin related cache.

    One way you can verify that the changes have taken effect is to try pulling up your site in an incognito browser. The incognito or private browser will ignore most caches and generate the latest version of your website.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for reaching out. Images can be tricky, ideally you’d want to edit them in a 3rd Party image software like the free Pixlr Editor. That way you can scale each image to the exact proportions to fit correctly into you webpage.

    If you can send us the URL of your webpage we can take a look and see if we can give you some on page editing options. I’m also curious to know if this image is being pulled in by BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress or through some global background setting in the WordPress Customizer.

    We look forward to assisting you further with this!

    Brandon C

    Hi Leonade,

    Thank you for reaching out. Since the All In One plugin is a 3rd Party plugin and not a BoldGrid product such as Crio Pro WordPress theme or BoldGrid Post and Page Builder, I’m afraid we would not be the best line of support for this issue.

    If you’re unable to uninstall the plugin directly from your WordPress dashboard “Plugins” section. You should consider reaching out to your hosting company or to All In One Security’s support directly.

    I hope this helps.

    Brandon C

    Hi Ian,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I inspected your WeForms contact form and was able to come up with a bit of CSS to add a border. Pull up the CSS/JS Editor from Appearance<<Customize<<CSS/JS Editor and add:

    .weforms-56 {
    border-style: solid;
    boder-width: thick;
    border-radius: 5px;
    border-color: #17a398;

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: How Do I Customize Buttons in my BoldGrid Theme? #47677
    Brandon C

    Hi Rob,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    Being that WooCommerce is a third party plugin that we do not support or maintain, it can be difficult to work with it’s overall styling, but it can be done. Could you please include the link to your website in your response so that we can take a look at your setup and offer our best suggestions.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    in reply to: How Can I the Change Order of Blog Posts in the Evolve Theme? #47657
    Brandon C

    Hi Celeste,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Evolve theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    I recreated your situation and solved the issue by installing and activating the Code Snippets plugin, then adding this PHP snippet:

    //function to modify default WordPress query
    function wpb_custom_query( $query ) {

    // Make sure we only modify the main query on the homepage
    if( $query->is_main_query() && ! is_admin() && $query->is_home() ) {

    // Set parameters to modify the query
    $query->set( 'orderby', 'date' );
    $query->set( 'order', 'ASC' );

    // Hook our custom query function to the pre_get_posts
    add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'wpb_custom_query' );

    This should reverse the order of the post on your blog archive page.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: Total Upkeep backup fails when attempting to create a backup #47652
    Brandon C

    Hi Jeff

    Thanks for reaching out, I’m sorry to hear about the problems creating your backup.

    I’ve seen this error a number of times before. It typically occurs if the backup process is terminated without an error due to exceeding some limit of your hosting account. Check out this detailed list of steps you can take to troubleshoot this error.

    To summarize the article, here are the most common ways to fix this:

    Navigate to Total Upkeep > Settings > Backup Process. If System Zip is available, choose that option.
    In the same menu, check the box to enable the Filelist Analysis and attempt to create another backup. Then, navigate to Total Upkeep > Tools > Logs, and look for the most recent log that ends in filelist.log. Examine the filelist and look for any very large files or directories. You can then delete those files if you don’t need them, or exclude them from your backups to conserve resources.
    Follow these instructions to increase your Max Execution Time and Memory Limit.

    I hope this helps!

    in reply to: Site dashboard loading slower after installing Total Upkeep #47649
    Brandon C

    Hi Petrus,

    Most of the time these issues boil down to allotted server resources and overall website configuration. It could require, updating your current theme or WordPress itself, addressing problematic or conflicting plugins, or even contacting DreamHost to have them increase your limits.

    Honestly, each case could require a different solution. If you start your own support thread and include the URL to the website you’re working with we can take a look for you and offer our suggestions.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Brandon C

    Hi Christine,

    Thank you for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I see you are using WeForms on your contact page. Some alternatives to that plugin are:

    Gravity Forms


    Contact Form 7

    Ninja Forms

    WeForms has a Docs forum that you may be able to utilize if you have specific questions and they also have a premium support channel you can access through your pro account.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Druvakumar,

    Thanks for reaching out with your question about Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I understand exactly what you’re describing. By default Crio is set to break up longer words in your headings and add hyphens to them as the available screen size gets smaller. I understand there are many cases where this configuration is just not ideal.

    While there isn’t a control within the theme Customization interface to make such a change, you can accomplish this with some knowledge of Custom CSS.

    The following snippet will deactivate the automatic word breaks and hyphens normally added by Crio to all website headings:

    .palette-primary .h1, .palette-primary .h2, .palette-primary .h3, .palette-primary .h4, .palette-primary .h5, .palette-primary .h6, .palette-primary h1, .palette-primary h2, .palette-primary h3, .palette-primary h4, .palette-primary h5, .palette-primary h6 {
    word-wrap: normal;
    hyphens: manual;
    -webkit-hyphens: manual;

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi sorry to hear that Gary.

    The best thing to do is this situation is to reach out to your web host InMotion Hosting for assistance on getting back into the site.

    There is really not much we can do in situations like these as we are only a theme and plugin provider. An inquiry such as this would have to be made directly with the hosting company that owns your server space.

    We wish you the best of luck. Please let us know if there is anything else we can answer for you.

    in reply to: How to replace a video on my website #47609
    Brandon C

    Hi Larry,

    Thanks for reaching out, and thanks for using Swifty WordPress theme along with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder!

    In order to change the video on a webpage you need to find the page you want to edit and click “Edit Page”. Find the video you wish to update, hover over it and you should see a pencil icon appear. Click the pencil icon to bring up the video options. From there you’ll have the ability to change you video using a link, or a video that you already have present in your media gallery.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can answer for you.

    in reply to: How do I correctly sort Post List from oldest to newest? #47607
    Brandon C

    Hi Peter,

    Thank you for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    If your elements are displaying correctly in the editor and not on the live website I suspect caching may be the reason for this. You should clear all cache associated with your website including browser cache, and any server side cache. Often times when we make frequent changes to our websites elements get cached into the database for performance purposes and it can cause the old element to display live even after it has been changed or removed.

    I see that you’re using the Ultra WordPress theme and not one of our recommended BoldGrid themes like Crio Pro WordPress theme. There is always a possibility that your theme already has these post view functionalities built into it. You may want to contact the theme developer to inquire about that.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out to us if there’s anything else we can answer for you.

    in reply to: How can delete a backup from Total Upkeep dashboard? #47604
    Brandon C

    Hi Farhad,

    Thanks for reach out with your questions about Total Upkeep. Total Upkeep should actually translate into most languages. If you’re having trouble with this you can use a plugin like WPML to easily translate Total Upkeep to the language you desire.

    As far as deleting backup from the dashboard you need to visit Total Upkeep<<Backups, find the file you wish to remove then select “View Details“. In the right-hand sidebar of this page beside the blue “Update” button there is an option to Delete backup. Just hit that link and follow the prompt to delete your backup archive file.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if there is anything else we can answer for you.

    in reply to: How do I delete my account? #47600
    Brandon C

    Hi Maria,

    Thank you for reaching out. Your BoldGrid account is only associated with our BoldGrid plugins and themes. In order to remove your account simply Uninstall all BoldGrid products from your WordPress dashboard under plugins and/or themes. I see you have a basic connect key provided by your hosting company (InMotion), but that is included with all InMotion plans because they are one of our premium partners.

    If you wish to delete your website altogether you’ll need to reach out to InMotion Hosting or follow this guide to learn how to do so yourself.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: When is the next GridOne update? #47579
    Brandon C

    Hi Elisabeth,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using GridOne WordPress theme. GridOne is considered one of our legacy themes and therefore is no longer updated and maintained to the most current WordPress standards.

    The templates and functionality of GridOne have been incorporated into our flagship Crio Pro WordPress theme. With Crio you can be assured the theme is updated according to the latest WordPress guidelines and it will remove the outdated theme notification being produced by WooCommerce. If you decide to switch over to Crio you can keep your content design as it integrates seamlessly with Post and Page builder.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions.

    Brandon C

    Hi Gary,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using the BoldGrid Hydra theme with BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress.

    The best way to log in to your site is to go directly through your WordPress dashboard. In your case you would follow this link to do so Once you get to the login page if you need to reset your email address just click the “Forgot Password” option to have a password reset link sent to your email.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Stephany,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    I think your design issue is coming from your theme itself. Accomplishing full width image design may require adding some custom CSS to make your images full-bleed. I see you are using the Auliettalite WordPress theme. I’m not too familiar with this theme but I suggest reaching out to the developer directly to inquire on the best way to create full-width images with their theme. Our Post and Page builder plugin works best with our BoldGrid themes, which includes our flagship Crio Pro WordPress theme! Crio integrates seamlessly with Post and Page builder and it also includes over 400 customizable options to help take your design process to the next level!

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.

    Brandon C

    Hi Minna,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Boldgrid Inspirations question. We do not have an official inspiration for no profits. But you can use any inspiration as a base for your template. You’ll have full control over colors, buttons, content, headers and footers so it should be pretty easy to add your images and text and make any Inspiration your own.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions for us.

    in reply to: Web Accelerator Software #47548
    Brandon C

    Hi Dmitriy,

    Thank you for reaching out. I just want to be sure I’m understanding you correctly, are you looking for an optimization plugin to run on your WordPress website? If so we can answer any question you may have about W3 Total Cache our all in one WordPress performance tool, right here in the forum.

    Or you can click the link above to learn more about our W3 Total Cache. I hope this helps. Please reach back out with your questions and/or concerns.

    in reply to: No text shows in my Navigation Menu #47491
    Brandon C

    Awesome Corrine! I’m happy you guys were able to get that resolved fairly easily. Please don’t hesitate to reach back out if you ever have questions or concerns. We are always here to help!

    in reply to: Can I use Total Upkeep Premium on Unlimited Websites? #47488
    Brandon C

    Hi Benoit,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Total Upkeep Premium concern. I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble but I can assure you that the Total Upkeep can be used on unlimited websites as long as you are the website owner and not using the plugin for a third party.

    If you would like a refund, you can reach out to our Premium Support and we’ll take care of that for you.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if there are any other questions we can answer for you.

    in reply to: No text shows in my Navigation Menu #47468
    Brandon C

    Thanks Corrine,

    It definitely seems like your navigation items are inheriting a property of some sort that’s causing them to display this way. Has this always been the case or is this a fairly recent issue? You may benefit from clearing all cache associated with your website (including browser cache and server side cache). Lots of times when changes are made, website elements get cached into the database and need to be purged in order for them to display correctly.

    If you’ve already attempted this go ahead and reach out to our Premium Support forum for further assistance. You’re a DreamHost customer so you get our premium service free of charge. In premium support we’ll be able to log directly into your site and take a closer look at the issue.

    I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any other questions for us.

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