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  • in reply to: Total Upkeep is Not Backing Up My Database #44739
    Brandon C


    Thank you for reaching out and thanks for using Total Upkeep WordPress Backup Plugin. I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble backing up your databases. Total Upkeep makes a log every time you create a backup, and that’s going to be the where we want to check first.

    Navigate to Total Upkeep<<Tools<<Logs and find your most recent log, it’ll have a name like archive-xxxxxxx.log. If you can copy/paste your log results in your reply we’ll be able to give you some more information on what’s going wrong.

    Brandon C

    Hi Charles thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    Sorry to hear you’re having trouble changing the active link style in your main menu.

    You can access the menu design options by opening the Customizer and navigating to Design<<Menus<<Menu Location<<Menu Items<<Active Link Style. Here you’ll see options to change the link color, background color, and border color for your active link.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if you have any other questions.

    in reply to: How Do I Change the Compressor type in Total Upkeep? #44725
    Brandon C

    Hi Tuan,

    Yes, you’re more than likely exceeding some type of server side limitation set by your hosting provider. What you should do is reach out to your hosting provider to see if they can determine what caused the backup to fail.

    Specifically, you should ask if you’ve exceeded your Disk Input/Output limit, Memory Limit, CPU Limit, or if they have any other resource-monitoring system that may have terminated the backup process.

    Brandon C

    Hi Donna,

    We reviewed the links you sent for us to review and they both seem to be producing some sort of error. Can you check to make sure the URLs you posted are correct? If they are correct then you may have some DNS issues to troubleshoot before we can proceed, but we can help you with that as well.

    Please review your URLs and reach back out to us at your earliest convenience.

    Brandon C

    One plugin I can think of that always works well for me is Counter Number. It was last updated 6 days ago so you shouldn’t have any trouble with compatibility.

    Brandon C

    Hi Jason,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    It looks like there is some sort of conflict coming from your “TF Numbers” plugin. Be sure the plugin is up to date. If you right click on your web page select inspect and then console it may give us some information on the issue. If you see any errors there feel free to screenshot them and send them over to us to take a look.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    in reply to: How Can I Add a Membership Directory to My Website? #44657
    Brandon C

    Hi Josephine,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    You can add a member directory to your WordPress site with a 3rd party plugin like Business Directory for WordPress . It should give you all the functionality that you need.

    I hope this helps!

    in reply to: How Do I Remove the “Posted on” Link From a Blog Post? #44650
    Brandon C

    Hey Joe,

    Thanks for your question and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    One thing you can do to remove the “Posted on” link is to hide it with CSS. Just navigate to Appearance<&lt&Customize<&lt&Advanced<&lt&Custom JS & CSS and add this bit of CSS: {
    display: none !important;

    If you want to remove all Entry Meta you can use:

    .entry-meta {
    display: none;

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out to us if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Brandon C

    Hi Oddie,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    Sorry you’re having trouble with your mobile header layout. I think what you should do in this case is create a custom page header using Crio’s Page Header builder then use a plugin like ShiftNav Responsive Mobile Menu to style your header and set the structure.

    You can use this video to help you get familiar with creating custom page headers for mobile devices in Crio:


    I hope this helps. Please reach back out to us if you have any other questions or concerns.

    in reply to: Customizer not loading in My Crio WordPress Theme #44618
    Brandon C

    Hi Josh,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    It looks like the site is having trouble loading some custom scripts. You do tend to see this type of error when activating/deactivating plugins and/or adding custom scripts directly to page templates.

    Have you tried purging all cache associated with the website? There could be scripts that were created by plugins you recently deactivated that are still trying to load.

    Since you’re a DreamHost client who is one of our premium partners you can also utilize our Premium Support System so we can take a closer look for you as well.

    Brandon C

    You’re welcome Yahkirah!

    Brandon C

    You’re most certainly welcome Yahkirah! We’re always here to help with your questions and concerns.

    Brandon C

    No problem Yahkirah. It shouldn’t give you any issues as long as you own both websites.

    Brandon C

    Hi Yahkirah,

    Thank you for your question about the Total Upkeep backup plugin for WordPress!

    You can view your subscriptions from your BoldGrid Central account. Just login to your account and navigate to Subscriptions.

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out to us if you need any additional assistance.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Brandon C.
    Brandon C

    Hi Yahkirah,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using the Total Upkeep backup plugin for WordPress.

    You can use your BoldGrid Connect Key on unlimited sites within the same business. For example, you may use it on a Development, Staging, and Production site. Keep in mind that your Key can be used to purchase BoldGrid Connect Search images, so you should not share your key with sites that you are delivering to a client or another business.

    I hope this helps!

    in reply to: How Do I Change the Compressor type in Total Upkeep? #44565
    Brandon C

    Thanks for sending your backup archive log Taun, the main takeaway here is:

    This usually happens when your hosting provider kills a backup process using the “SIGKILL” signal.

    This error typically occurs if the backup process is terminated without an error due to exceeding some limit of your hosting account. Check out this detailed list of steps you can take to troubleshoot this error.

    To summarize the article, here are the most common ways to fix this:

    1. Navigate to Total Upkeep > Settings > Backup Process. If System Zip is available, choose that option.
    2. In the same menu, check the box to enable the Filelist Analysis and attempt to create another backup. Then, navigate to Total Upkeep > Tools > Logs, and look for the most recent log that ends in filelist.log. Examine the filelist and look for any very large files or directories. You can then delete those files if you don’t need them, or exclude them from your backups to conserve resources.
    3. Follow these instructions to increase your Max Execution Time and Memory Limit
    Brandon C

    Hmmm… There has to be a global feature controlling the background pattern and color for your post. Lets try this, navigate to Appearance<<Customize<<CSS/JS Editor and use this bit of CSS to change your post background.

    .entry-content {
    background: #ffffff !important;

    Hopefully this works for you but if not, you have access to our premium support through your web host (DreamHost). You can submit a Premium Support Ticket, which would give us access to your WordPress site so we can better assist you.

    Brandon C

    Hi Sharon,

    Thank you for that detailed information. Based on your log the update does appear to be completing and your site is only 109mb so I don’t see any real reason why it should be timing out.

    Go ahead and navigate to Navigate to Total Upkeep → Backup Archives then select View Details and try re-downloading the file to your local machine.

    If you still get the error when you attempt to re-download the backup go to tools -> Site Health -> Info -> Server and copy down those values into the forum so we can take a look at that information.

    We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

    Brandon C

    You’re most certainly welcome. Please reach back out to us if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Brandon C

    I tried adding the hover affect using CSS to a replica of your theme on my end and it looks like I’m running into the same issues as you. It may actually require diving into your fuctions.php file and adding some functionality there if you’re familiar with PHP.

    Brandon C

    Hi Arina,

    Thanks for your question, and thanks for using the Crio Super Theme for WordPress.

    I think the best way to accomplish this is to use a plugin like Image Hover Effects, you can check out some demos they have here on their website.

    Brandon C

    Hi Diana,

    Thank you for reaching out and thank you for using Crio Pro WordPress theme! I’m sorry to hear you’re having so much trouble changing the opacity of your post backgrounds.

    One thing you could try is changing the opacity of the element in the “Color Palettes” section of the Customizer. From your dashboard navigate to Appearance<<Customize<<Color Palette and locate that particular color in your active palette. Click on the color and check to make sure the opacity is at 100.

    Change wp background image opacity

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out if your need any further assistance.

    Brandon C

    Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress with Haven Theme!

    One sure way to ad AdSense to your WordPress site is by using a plugin like Easy Google AdSense. With this plugin you just enter your AdSense Publisher ID in the settings and the site should start corresponding with the AdSense API automatically.

    Hope this helps! Please reach back out if you need further assistance.

    in reply to: How Do I Replace The Hero Image in My Crio WordPress Theme? #44480
    Brandon C

    Hi Ann, you’re so welcome! We’re happy to hear you were able to come up with a solution. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to reach back out to us.

    in reply to: How Do I Replace The Hero Image in My Crio WordPress Theme? #44477
    Brandon C

    Hi Ann,

    Thanks for your question and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    I just reviewed your site and it looks like you’ve already managed to find a solution because I see that the default image has been changed. For future reference this image is applied to the entire section as a background.

    So in order to change it you would need to select the overall section itself and click on your image to bring up the element options then click the image icon located towards the top of the page builder and select Section to open the background controls.

    replace an image in crio

    Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

    in reply to: How Do I Change the Compressor type in Total Upkeep? #44466
    Brandon C

    Hi Tau,n thank you for that. I didn’t see anything that stood out to me in the log. Let’s try this, from your Dashboard navigate to Total Upkeep<<Tools<<Cron Log to see if there is any additional information for us there. If there is anything in your “Latest Cron Notices” section copy that and paste it into the thread for us to review.

    You can also try running the backup again just to see if it’s still producing the same error message.

    in reply to: I have a Large White Space Below My Site Header #44463
    Brandon C

    Hi Joseph thank you for reaching out and thank your for using Haven Theme for WordPress. I pulled up your site on my iPhone and I did see the large white space below the header. When I inspected the site I noticed that the minimum height of the your header area was set to 850px.

    I came up with some CSS that should help align the element better on smaller screens. You can Copy/Paste this bit into the Appearance<<Advanced<<Custom Js and CSS section:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
    .page-template-page_home .site-header {
        min-height: 80px;
            height: 220px;

    One thing to note, you are using Haven which is one of our legacy WordPress themes and we no longer actually maintain the theme. If you would like to switch to our most up to date and feature filled theme I’d suggest downloading Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    Crio is much easier to operate and it comes with over 400 customizable options. You have web hosting with InMotion Hosting, one of or premium partners, and that make Crio totally free for you to install and enjoy!

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out if you have any other questions.

    Brandon C

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for your question and thank you for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    Are you trying to place a background behind a footer or sidebar widget? If so you may be able to change it in the Appearance<<Customize<<Widgets section or using Custom CSS.

    If you want to change background text on one of your pages it may just require changing the background color or media file for a specific section, row or column.

    If you could direct us to the widget area or page URL you would like to modify we can take a look and give you our suggestion on what needs to be done.

    I hope this helps. Please reach back out with your question or concerns.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Brandon C.
    Brandon C

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Pavilion WordPress Theme and BoldGrid Post and Page Builder!.

    I surely understand your concern, you definitely want to be sure your edits stay intact after an update. One thing you could do is download a plugin like Code Snippets and add your CSS/JS/PHP there. That way when the actual theme itself updates your edits will be safe.

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out if you have any other questions.

    Brandon C

    Hi Roland,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    The quickest way to add the Inspirations plugin is to upload it directly to the plugins section of your WordPress Dashboard.

    Just login to your WordPress admin area, navigate to Plugins and click “Add New” to install and activate the plugin.

    Hope this helps! Please reach back out if you have any other questions.

    Brandon C

    Hi Roland,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder for WordPress!

    If you just need to login and modify your site from different machine you can access it using the admin URL and logging in with your credentials. Your admin URL is

    If you don’t know your Username/Password combination you can change it by navigating to Users from your Dashboard, click your username, change the password and save.

    Lastly if you would like to use our Page and Post builder and other tools on your new domain you can do that by installing WordPress at your web host and uploading our BoldGrid Inspirations plugin to your new site.

    The inspirations plugin will help you get up and running with our products like the Page and Post Builder and Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    Hope this helps!

    in reply to: How Do I Display the Page Title on My WooCommerce Shop Page? #44427
    Brandon C

    Hi Danny, thanks for the clarification. So what you’re seeing above the page title is actually the breadcrumb for the page. It’s shows your end users the pages navigation structure and gives you an added SEO boost.

    To remove the breadcrumb navigate to Appearance<<Advanced<<Custom Js & CSS and add this bit of CSS:

    .boldgrid-css{ background: white; }
    .palette-primary .breadcrumb {

    Let us know if this works for you Danny!

    Brandon C

    After you click “Add Media” select the “Create a Gallery” option to create the gallery itself. Doing so should give you the added gallery options and allow you to select your images and insert the clickable thumbnail gallery.

    After inserting the gallery publish the page then preview it to make sure it’s functioning the way you would like.

    in reply to: Was My Website Built with Crio or BoldGrid Page Builder? #44342
    Brandon C

    Hi Eddie,

    Thanks for reaching out. I tried pulling up your account and it doesn’t looking like your running the Crio Pro WordPress themePost and Page Builder for WordPress.

    Looking further the host of this domain is GoDaddy and it’s running the Avada Theme with Fusion page builder.

    We offer a number of plugins that help to enhance the website building and management experience for users including Total Upkeep for making website backups, our Post and Page Builder, and Inspirations which allows users to install website starter content. We also offer Crio our premier WordPress theme that is installed automatically for users during the Inspirations process.

    If you would like to get a firsthand demonstration of how our products enhance the WordPress website building experience you can also create a free Cloud WordPress testing installation through our BoldGrid Central platform.

    I hope you find this useful!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Brandon C.
    Brandon C

    Thank you Christoph.
    Yes it appears to be what I suspected, the user permissions set in your public_html file are blocking the restoration.
    [2021-10-28 12:41:26 UTC] Permission denied. Unable to restore the following file: /home/ch245429/web/
    You’ll need to log into your cPanel and change your user permissions in order for the restoration to complete. Your Web Host can help with this if you’re unsure of how to do so, I also located a guide that you might find useful.

    I hope this helps.

    in reply to: How Do I Create Video Thumbnails in Post and Page Builder? #44315
    Brandon C

    Awesome Terry.  So happy to hear you were able to get this situated!

    Brandon C

    Thanks for the info Terry.  If you don’t see the option to add the videos thumbnail in the page builder you can also add it by going to Media -> Library, clicking on your video, and then click on Edit More Details. 

    edit more details on image in media library


    From there, you’ll see the Featured Image field:

    featured image option


    I hope this helps!

    Brandon C

    Hi Christoph,

    Thanks for your questions and thank you for using Total Upkeep for WordPress!

    This error is related to the file permissions on your server. Normally when you see this it means your System Administrator disabled write permissions on the root of your website, and only allows the user to write to the wp-content directory rather than the core WordPress files.

    It might help for us to view your restoration log. Navigate to Total Upkeep > Tools > Logs and locate the log file called restore-XXXXXXX.log with a timestamp that corresponds to the failed restoration, and copy and paste any errors in that log here so we can dig deeper for you.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    Brandon C

    Hi Adrian,

    Thanks for reaching out and thanks for using Crio Pro WordPress theme!

    It looks like you did set your pages to full width display but the container is applied to the actual blog template itself. I tried adding a bit of CSS and I think it may get you close to the results you desire. Just navigate to Appearance<<Customize<<CSS/JS editor and add this bit of CSS to expand your container width:

    @media (min-width: 1200px) {
    .container {
        width: 1600px !important;

    You might also want to adjust the padding of your overall blog entry content as well. For that use:

    #main-wrapper.full-width .main {
        padding: 0 0px !important;
    .blog main .entry-content {
        padding: 0 0 0px !important;
        width: 100%;

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out if you need further assistance.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Brandon C.
    in reply to: How Do I Create Video Thumbnails in Post and Page Builder? #44285
    Brandon C

    Hi Rob,

    Thanks for reaching out! I checked out your page, and it looks like you’re using the Crio Theme and the Post and Page Builder for your website design.

    Most commonly, you’ll set the thumbnail with the video hosting service, such as YouTube or Vimeo. When using a self-hosted video file, your process will be a little different. Hover over your video, and click the Edit “pencil” icon:
    The Edit Pencil Icon

    Then, you’ll see the Select Poster Image option, which will let you choose an image from your media library or upload a new thumbnail for your video.

Viewing 40 posts - 1,761 through 1,800 (of 1,878 total)