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Installing W3 Total Cache on your website is pretty straightforward. The following guide will outline the steps needed to ensure you have the plugin installed from the WordPress Repository.

What is W3 Total Cache?

W3 Total Cache is the Best WordPress Cache Plugin you can find today, for many reasons. It is suitable for everyone from beginner to advanced WordPress users. W3 Total Cache is the complete solution to improve your WordPress websites SEO, improve Core Web Vitals, and the user experience simultaneously.

Install W3 Total Cache Pro and speed up your WordPress website.

Installing the Free W3 Total Cache Plugin

Installing our WordPress caching plugin is just like any other WordPress plugin. It should be a quick and easy installation as described in the following steps:

  • In the Dashboard, Navigate to Plugins → Add New
  • In the Plugin Search Box, type W3 Total Cache and click the Search Button
  • Click Install, then Activate to complete the Installation


Congratulations! You now know how to install W3 Total Cache. The installation will add a new menu item in your WordPress Dashboard labeled Performance.

W3 Total Cache

You haven't seen fast until you've tried PRO

   Full Site CDN + Additional Caching Options
   Advanced Caching Statistics, Purge Logs and More

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10 thoughts on “Installing W3 Total Cache on your WordPress Website

  1. HI, Madison.
    I have set up WordPress Production-Ready stack by bitnami cloud formation on AWS. The infrastructure is as below.

    ALB – Bastion server – Autoscaled Web server with 2 EFS volumes (wordpress on Apache & PHP8.0) – Aurora DB Cluster (MySQL 5.7) – Elasticache cluster with 2 Memcached instances (PHP time limit is set to 300)

    After successful setup, W3 Total Cache plugin can not be updated with 504 error.
    I have removed the plugin and related files and folders manually on terminal to reinstall the plugin. (I have removed the file types in .htaccess and wordpress-htaccess-config file too)

    Whenever I tries to reinstall the plugin 504 error comes out and the install button’s text changes to “update failed”.
    I tried to install with 777 permissions for wordpress folder and files, but still same error comes up.

    On terminal user and group permissions for files in wordpress folder has two different types. (User: root & bitnami, Group: root & daemon)

    Is this the problem or other access privileges need to be set?

    • I tried to Install w3 total cache with command line on terminal and it was successful.
      It was wp-content folder write permission issue.

      It needs to be changed to 775 to install the plugin properly.
      I have changed the permission to 755 after install.


  2. Hello …
    I have a wordpress website and is installed on Ngnix server . The problem is when I try to install the W3 Total Cache plugin the website starts some problems like he pages get disturbed, the slider images vanishes, etc

    Kindly send me a solution for the above.

    • Hello Achougle,
      It’s tough to speculate without being able to see more details about the issues you’re describing, but the most common cause of this is the minification settings. I’d recommend disabling Javascript and CSS minification to see if that resolves the issue. If you’re still having trouble, reach out to our Support team on the W3 Total Cache Forum and we’ll be happy to help.

  3. Hello. I tried to Install the plugin but failed. I searched and in seacrh result no installtion button appear but it showed a question mark with Not Availble option. I downloaded then from wordpress site and did the manual work. but after activation it deactivated by it self.
    mysite is [redacted].com

        • Hi Madison-
          If the “Activate” option is missing, it’s a good bet that your hosting provider disabled it. However, as far as I’m aware right now, you can use W3 Total Cache on non-managed hosting accounts. If you’re still having trouble activating the plugin, please let us know and we’ll be more than happy to help.

          • Hi Jesse,

            Thanks for the quick response. I am still having issues. Let me know what we can do here. Thanks,

          • Hi Madison-
            Can you describe the issue you’re experiencing? For example, are you getting an error message? What steps are you going through and where are you getting stuck?

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