Under review

Primary Menu has disappeared. Despite deleting and adding primary menu again.

ryansl6 3 years ago updated by support (Support) 3 years ago 1

I need help on creating a visible menu again, as mine has completely disappeared along with my logo.

Under review

Thank you for contacting us Ryan!

Is https://bulletprooflandworks.com/ the website that is having trouble displaying the menu as expected? If so then I think I know what is causing the header to disappear and we should be able to help you get things working correctly again.

The Home page for that website seems to be using the Content Only template from the Post and Page Builder, which hides the header and only displays the page content. You can locate the controls to switch which template is used for a page in the Visual editor under the Page Attributes section. Use the Template dropdown there to change the page template to Default to get your menu and header displaying again.

Image 7239

Please let us know if there is anything else that we can do to help!