Not a bug

No "Reading" Submenu in the Settings Menu

emendiz 6 years ago updated by support (Support) 6 years ago 3

I was not able to "change" my default page to use when entering BD Setting menu, so after many minutes, I was directed to the "Reading" submenu in the Settings menu, but this does not exist in the BD Menu... so I manually entered the address: "wp-admin/options-reading.php" and there it is.

Why is it missing in the Setting Menu the "Reading" Page?

Satisfaction mark by emendiz 6 years ago
Not a bug

Thank you for contacting us and I am sorry to hear that there are some problems working with your BoldGrid website.

The Inspirations plugin makes some changes to the default layout of the WordPress administrator Dashboard, and one of those modifications is renaming the Reading settings page.  With Inspirations installed the Reading settings are now referred to as Blog.

Image 656

If you prefer to use the standard WordPress naming and ordering conventions you can deactivate the option in the BoldGrid Inspirations Settings.

Image 657

Image 658

I hope this information helps you get your Admin menu working as expected and please let us know if there is anything else that we can do to assist you.


Fully understood. Thanks.


You're welcome!  If you ever have any other questions in the future please do not hesitate to ask, we are always happy to help!