Under review

Ability to cancel subscription and request for refund through BoldGrid Central.

kaizenberg inbox 7 years ago updated by support (Support) 7 years ago 1

There is only payment option but no cancellation or refund request option. Be fair with customer. Also help material is worse than 3rd world. So you have a lot of ground to cover in terms of ethics. 


Under review

Thank you for your feature request.

A ticket has been submitted to our Development team for consideration in a future release of BoldGrid Central

and hopefully we will be releasing a new version with your feature very soon!

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Under review

Thank you for your feature request.

A ticket has been submitted to our Development team for consideration in a future release of BoldGrid Central

and hopefully we will be releasing a new version with your feature very soon!

We always value your suggestions for features as well as improvements. You can subscribe to our BoldGrid mailing list for updates, news, and further information about BoldGrid at the following page: https://www.boldgrid.com/subscribe/