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Images block not showing in editor. Showing on website. Slow loading editor.

jac747 5 years ago updated by support (Support) 5 years ago 3

There is a block of (6) images below my main wide image which won't show up in the editor. I am trying to work another area, but I'm afraid to lose it completely. I saved it once with them not showing, and it shows them on the published page.


Hard to use the visual editor if they wont' show up. They are present in the TEXT editor.

Slow loading as well. Everything else loads, just not these six. Hmmmmm.

Thank you. This has been quite a learning experience.

Jim Cooper


How do you reset password?

ticklepickle 5 years ago updated by support (Support) 5 years ago 1

PasswordI need help with resetting my password. It doesn't let me enter a new password and confirm password. Any idea? Maybe it's a UX issue? 


Is it possible to remove background image in page title in blog posts?

digitalpurview com 5 years ago updated by support (Support) 5 years ago 3

I think its taking featured image for background. Is it possible to remove background image?


I am trying to add a clickable phone number to Callaway header without adding it in a menu. Is this possible?

Ktlg 5 years ago updated by support (Support) 5 years ago 3

I don't want to add a phone number in menu but directly in header. Is this possible?


Unable to fetch Page Speed results in Google Page Speed widget

nonasun 5 years ago updated by support (Support) 5 years ago 1


Even thought I did create a Google API Key and put it in Misc section in General setting, I get this error message "Unable to fetch Page Speed results" in Google Page Speed widget in dashboard. I've waited and refreshed. No luck. Any idea why?

If I check the home page URL in Google Page Speed insights directly, it works.




How to change position of the social media icons within the header. Can I fine tune this. I just want better alighment.

Tanya Rampersad 5 years ago updated by support (Support) 5 years ago 3

How to change position of the social media icons within the header?  I don't want to put them above the header or below, but within.   Can I fine tune this?   I just want better alignment visually.


how to change text colour of menu font

Tanya Rampersad 5 years ago updated by support (Support) 5 years ago 1

Hi, I would like to change the font colour of my main menu.  How would I customize this?  Thanks.


Not being a web designer, after much agony I have created a simple page I can duplicate. I have inserted my own buttons "Home" and "Menu" in the header area. How can I link them the the relevant pages? In customize page, header is not visible!

rickstar 5 years ago updated by support (Support) 5 years ago 5

Not being a web designer, after much agony I have created a simple page I can duplicate. I have inserted my own buttons "Home" and "Menu" in the header area. How can I link them to the relevant pages? In customize page, header is not visible ....the buttons are "under" the toolbar!

Also, when I select a page to customize, I get taken to my home page, not the page I was editing. Frustrated...Rick   surely it is possible to hotlink images to use as buttons?